Wrong choice remembers

@speechbubble is 127 196 to 100% with tail_top_left
AYESHA (talk_think_neutral)
I think I would have
choice “Bagel Cream Cheese” {
AYESHA (talk_agree_happy)
Bagel cream cheese for me too.
} “Cookie Chocolate Chip” {
AYESHA (talk_agree_happy)
Chocolate chip cookie please.
} “Donut Chocolate” {
AYESHA (talk_agree_happy)
A chocolate donut.

next scene
if (FOOD is “Bagel Cream Cheese”) {
@add Cupcake Platter Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry to WAITRESS
@WAITRESS walks to spot 0.684 161 235 in zone 1 AND WAITRESS does it while walk_tray_neutral_loop
@WAITRESS moves to layer 0
@speechbubble is 207 281 to 100% with tail_top_left
WAITRESS (talk_agree_happy)
Here you go.
@WAITRESS is return_object_neutral
@remove Cupcake Platter Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry from WAITRESS
&pause for a beat
@add Bagel Cream Cheese to JAY
@add Bagel Cream Cheese to AYESHA
@AYESHA is idle_food_hand_neutral_loop AND JAY is idle_food_hand_neutral_loop AND WAITRESS is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop
} elif (FOOD is “Cookie Chocolate Chip”) {
@add Cupcake Platter Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry to WAITRESS
@WAITRESS walks to spot 0.684 161 235 in zone 1 AND WAITRESS does it while walk_tray_neutral_loop
@WAITRESS moves to layer 0
@speechbubble is 207 281 to 100% with tail_top_left
WAITRESS (talk_tray_neutral)
Here you go.
@WAITRESS is return_object_neutral
@remove Cupcake Platter Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry from WAITRESS
&pause for a beat
@add Bagel Cream Cheese to JAY
@add Cookie Chocolate Chip to AYESHA
@AYESHA is idle_food_hand_neutral_loop AND JAY is idle_food_hand_neutral_loop AND WAITRESS is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop
} else {
@add Cupcake Platter Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry to WAITRESS
@WAITRESS walks to spot 0.684 161 235 in zone 1 AND WAITRESS does it while walk_tray_neutral_loop
@WAITRESS moves to layer 0
@speechbubble is 207 281 to 100% with tail_top_left
WAITRESS (talk_agree_happy)
Here you go.
@WAITRESS is return_object_neutral
@remove Cupcake Platter Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry from WAITRESS
&pause for a beat
@add Donut Chocolate to AYESHA
@add Bagel Cream Cheese to JAY
@AYESHA is idle_food_hand_neutral_loop AND JAY is idle_food_hand_neutral_loop AND WAITRESS is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

what am i doing wrong? Choosing first option which is bagel it remembers else option which is chocolate donut.

your missing the name of the choice


this you forgot to add

choice (FOOD)


okay thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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