Amberose's Directing and Branching Master Classes

Hey there :wave:

Just a little back story into why I’m creating this thread…
A little while ago, I started up a small group PM with a few of my friends on the forums. The purpose of the PM was to offer them some directing and branching tips as they were still beginners and I have been here long enough to know the answer to all their coding questions :laughing: I ended up creating these “lessons” where I broke down all the basics for them and explained things in a bit more detail than what the portal guides do right now, and it turns out this method was really helpful for them and they gained a better understanding of the ins and outs of how to write on Episode.

Since it worked so well for my friends and since I now have all these lesson templates, I’m wanting to open it up to more people. I’d still like to keep it to small groups in PMs because I feel that’s a more friendly environment and people are less afraid to ask questions this way.

So I’ve created some forms for both the directing lessons and the branching lessons for anyone who would like to sign up. There’s just some basic questions to find out where you’re currently at so I know what lessons would need more attention than others.

There’s no limit on who can sign up for this, whether you have 0 published stories on the app or whether you have 5+. However I will be trying to put you into groups with people who are on the same level as you.

You don’t have to sign up for both either. If you’re confident in directing, but have no idea how to make choices matter, then it’s fine if you sign up for only the branching one.

I will try and keep the groups to around 5 or 6 people in each PM and will probably only run 4 at a time. So depending on how many people sign up, there could be a bit of a wait :woman_shrugging: Lol.

My thank you:




:astonished: I’ve been blessed with an official Epi_Info edit!

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Ur welcome, it’s rare but I thought; okie.
And I made it.


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Thank you :kissing_heart:

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This is amazing! :blob_hearts:
signs up for both because I needs it bad.


Thank you :blob_hearts:


Sksksk you don’t need it bad, but I hopefully I can teach you a few things you don’t know :smirk:


OK I am like tragic in anything related to choices… The only thing I can do is to copy a template and fill it in. :rofl::rofl::rofl: But I do not get what must be there and why to make it work. So uh… If you think you can anyway make me understand it, I am in. :nerd_face::nerd_face::thinking::thinking::smirk:

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Absolutely! A lot of what I had with my friends was explaining so they could actually understand the templates they were using so that will probably help you out too :slight_smile:

OK lets see. :nerd_face:

This is great!! I am an aspiring new author, I know the basics of directing, like placing the characters or how to manage zooms, but everything related to choices, branching and points system to me is like… impossible to understand, I terribly need help to figure it out!! You have come up with a very cool idea indeed, Amberose! Hope you will help me out ahahah, I have signed up for both, just in case (definitely need help in both anyway)…

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Aww thank you so much LisaMarie97 :hearts: And welcome to the forum community too!

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Thank you! I’ve been reading stories on Episode for two years now, I’ve always had this idea in my mind to become an author one day, I have tried to write a story countless times but it’s sooo fucking complicated ahahah hope you can relate!!

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Oh definitely! I think the first 6-8 months was the biggest struggle for me. And I didn’t even know the forums existed so every time I couldn’t figure out how to do something, I had to completely change an idea :sweat_smile:

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Yes, I can totally relate! I myself have found out about the Forums one week ago and decided to create my account here today ahaha! I have one question though, about the directing lessons… to be more specific, the members of each group… will you tell us which ones have been chosen, or do we receive a notification? I’m just asking out of curiosity. Thank you in advance, btw :heart_eyes:

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Nah, I will just start the PM… You’ll never know when it’s coming :smiling_imp:


Woah that’s genius ahahaha, and here I thought I was finally gonna put all the pieces together and become a pro at directing and branching and yada yada :joy::smiling_imp:

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You will though, give it a month and you’ll be an expert :sunglasses:

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