Animated Intro Help Needed

Hi, I am looking for someone to help me with an animated intro for my new story. I would love to learn to do it myself, does anyone have any tutorials, tips, or examples? All help is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

there’s an app called “over” where you can create text overlays! i know a lot of people including myself that uses it.

Thank you for responding, is this a mobile app?

ur welcome! yeah it’s a mobile app. i’m not sure if you can get it on your laptop/computer but i’m sure you can. if not there are others ways to get it on there

Thanks a bunch, I’ll look into it :slight_smile:

Generaly animated ntro is about animating overlays.

So first you have to get the overlays you need… Or create them.

And than look for tutorials about animating overlays… Sory I write from phone now so cant find the link… But if you put zo google episode ineractive animating overlays shure the tutorials will pop up.

The pages for png you have there are not actually good to use… It is not royalty free but only personal use free… You cant use overlas with personal licence in the app it is violating the author rights.

That the web says its free is not sufficient you always have to look on the licence itself. So it is misleading to recomand them as safe.

i know many others that have been using the same websites way before i did and nothing has ever been said. the topic i made was months ago and episode nor anyone else has made any remarks. i’ll look into it and be more careful though.

episode is here not to check i you use or not use overlay with right author rights it is every uthor responsibiity. It is not even in thayr abilitiy to check it.

The problem if it happens will not be with episode but with the overlay author who if he finds out you use it not to a personal use might sue the author.

The chance is not big it happens but the full responsibility is on ever author and not episode. Thay have the leagal disclaimer.


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