APP: Reload 4 free passes every 4 hours

Thank you for bringing our concerns from the thread to light here. As a daily user, I have been on Episode less than I have ever been in almost a year since this change went into effect last week. I am not completing any daily challenges either due to this.

With the inspiration of so many writers in this community, I am a beginning writer that is currently working on my first story. But after being forced to not be able save and use rewarded passes as I please, I am discouraged and not feeling like continuing my writing due to the actual sadness I feel for the authors that are already losing reads and new readers as well as realize that it will be even more likely that my story wouldn’t want to be given a chance due to us having to be so frugal with our limited passes.

Episode brought my creative side to light and gave me a community filled with brilliant artists and writers that I could interact with across the world. It is definitely disheartening and I would hate to give up being a part of it solely because my budget won’t allow me to buy an unlimited supply of passes.