Art giveaway opinions?

Recently, I’ve seen multiple Episode creators host giveaways on instagram for art. I have entered them, but never won (obviously.)

I am beginning to believe that these giveaways must be rigged? They always have the same winners, or it’s people who have purchased multiple art pieces from expensive artists before.

I entered a giveaway recently where the winners were; the twin sister of the host, the friends of the host, and people who had already purchased expensive art.

There is one particular person who I see that always wins art, so they must be rigged, right? Unless this person just had really insane luck, which I really doubt…

Do you think these are rigged? What is your opinion on them? :blob_hearts:


Yeah, I have seen a lot of those as well!

It’s kinda put me off even entering because I know I will never win!
But, sometimes a few friends of mine say that the host just picks their friends!

It must be rigged somehow :smiling_face_with_tear:


It’s genuinely upsetting to see people hosting giveaways just to pick their friends. What’s the point getting peoples hopes up if you know that they just won’t get picked?


I don’t know about the ones you’ve entered but I’ve won many giveaways just like some friends of mine and we’ve always played fair. I guess we just did many extra entries.


A lot of people add extra ways to gain entries and you can gain LOTS of additional ones. I’ve entered and won giveaways for a lot of people who I’ve never spoken to🥰

Personally when I’ve hosted giveaways, I’ve always made sure they’re fair!!


Yeah, I did many extra entries for one and the 2 people who won were literally dating and the best friends of the host :sob::sob: what’s the chances of that happening?


You’re not the only one who has thought like that.
That’s why I like when people who host the giveaways publish the randomizer who shows the winners fair and square.

I got an info that sometimes they just double or triple the count of the person they want to win (for these who use wheels) so the chances are bigger.

There were 300 entries from 1 person on a recent ga. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???

My brain is not braining.


most times giveaways are fair, and i’ve been lucky enough to win a few but there’s some that really makes you raise a brow in suspicion. i’ve witnessed a giveaway that i 100% know was rigged bc chances of the host’s best friend winning the best prize was impossible to none. proof was staring us in the face that the thing was rigged and it was really upsetting for those who spent tons of gems and had large parts on the participants wheel chart :frowning:


This is actually quite common. Why? Because people do many extra entries. I often had that my entries took up 25% of the wheel because I spent most gems. That’s just how some giveaways work.

Lucky people. I never have enough gems. : (
There should be a limit for entries. Like I saw that one ga had like 1500 entries and the author said that the wheel was going crazy. Like it was glitching because of that many entries.

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I agree with what you’re saying and it honestly does feel rigged lmao. Like it’s totally unfair how there’s people who like to give the art to their friends…Like if they really wanted to give their friends arts, why do they have to join it? Why can’t they just buy them the art? Like wth, lol.

But if I ever happen to host a giveaway I’ll make sure that I’m not being biased towards my friends and let others win that art opportunity.

THOUGH…I see people go on live (on IG) to announce who are the winners of their giveaway OR they use a website online for a spin the wheel, so that it’s fair.


Now every time I see them I never enter them (they do show up in my feed because I see others entering them) lol. I just scroll and go :joy:

I think they are rigged too :eyes: not all of them, but I def wouldn’t put it past the person who hosted the giveaway to announce it all because they want their friends to win :eyes:

I like that too! It’s a good idea and can help to avoid any “foul play/cheating” :grimacing:


I have won two giveaways after entering for years and have hosted one (not for art, but for gems) and make it fair by using the wheel to decide. I definitely do think some of the bigger artists rig it to make their friends/customers win. I entered this giveaway from a popular episode artist a few months ago and they never posted the wheel on their story or how they chose the winners. I also noticed ALL the people who won were also from their country and were past customers. I don’t get doing this big giveaway if you already know who you’re going to pick. Just give them the free art and don’t get other people’s hopes up :woozy_face:

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