Artscene artist?

So i just got back to writing my story as 2021 was a very hard year for me.

and I am looking for a art scene artist.

you can link your shop below, or PM me <3

I know i could search up shops, but all the ones i looked at are completely booked

@Gurmeet does awesome free art

And @line123462 has a great free art shop you can request at! Here’s the link to hers Line123462's free art shop (Open)

Another art shop you can request at for free is 🤫 The Quiet Art Shop 🤫 [OPEN & FREE]

@KylieJay has art commissions open and hers are beautiful aswell!

Good luck with your story :cowboy_hat_face:


why thank you i will check these out <33

Thank you for the tag @Yepitsme :heart:

Are you open to paying for art? If so, I can link my info :relaxed:

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Thank you so much for tagging me :innocent::hugs:

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I seen your work and it is absolutely stunning I’m kinda broke rn and only got like 8 bucks on my card sadly <3


Well, I’d recommend @talina.writes because her prices are like hella cheap! (something like $3 is the starting price)

and well if you’re looking for a free one, I’ll recommend @v.h_episode, her arts and edits are amazing! if you want a drawn one, you need to wait but if you want it edited her slots are most likely open!


Thank you so much!!


do you make art for free or commissioned…???

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I can make art for free
But I also take commission!

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can you please show some examples love… :relaxed:

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Yeah sure!:innocent:
Here are some examples of my art

There are also many more

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thanks a lot for showing…they are beautiful

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Welcome and thank you :innocent:

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