Background help new creator

Hello episode creators! I was wondering if there is a night time background for the
Thank you in advance!


Thank you so much! It is a little burry for me do you happen to know why?

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Does anybody know where I can find this background but night time ?
In another topic a kind creator replied with it but it was very blurry :sweat:
please and thank you in advance!

I don’t recommend creating another thread for the same thing. Did you ask them if they had a good quality version and if they did, if they could email it to you or something? Sometimes the forums makes backgrounds blurry even when the original pic wasn’t. You also could’ve bumped your last topic for more responses.
Not trying to come off as mean, so I apologize if I seem that way…


Perhaps this will work? Not sure where to find the original (if there is one) So, I made a quick edit for you.


Oh my thank you so much!! I really appreciate it I love it
Credits to you :hugs:

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Sorry I’m new to the episode community I apologize :sweat:

That’s alright. Just giving you a heads up is all. (:
Welcome to the community btw!

Thank you!

You are very welcome :slight_smile: You do not have to provide me with any credits, actually, I would prefer you didn’t. lol. The art is not mine, I simply made a very simple edit and I do not deserve any credit for it.

Stay Blessed & Keep writing :slight_smile: -SP

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ive been serching everywhere for this house in night time im new on here can i please use this and credit if you want please

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