BACKROUNDS: do I need custom backgrounds in my story

This is I question I’ve had for a little while
do I have to use custom backgrounds a lot since their quite hard to fine i will use them if i have to but do you guys’ mind story that don’t have a lot of custom backgrounds
also, with episode adding we can’t make our own using theirs it’s even harder to have to recolor it to make our own

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There are plenty of background threads on the forum with tons and tons of different backgrounds (and overlays) to choose from and are free, you just have to search for them! And sites like Pexels, Pixabay – have free backgrounds you can use!

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And to add, I’ve seen many BG editors on the forums that would edit Episode’s backgrounds add their own extra things to it as well as color correct etc - so it is doable


thanks so much, i will have a look :white_heart:

you don’t have to! it’s just Episode backgrounds can be lacking what’s wanted sometimes. i’ve never read a story and disliked it for having the normal backgrounds

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thanks this makes me feel better it’s hard to find some, but I know it can be better having custom ones.
thanks for replying :white_heart:

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