CLOTHING FEATURE: Tucked in shirts choice

Hi everyone!
It’s my first time doing a suggestion like this, but I really wanted to share my idea which is
Tucked in shirts. :eyes: :eyes:

Since Snapchat inc. made Tucked in shirts to Bitmoji clothing then I thought why shouldn’t Episode do it. I sometimes make an outfit to my Episode character and find a cute shirt, but I wish it would be tucked in so it’d look prettier.

To clarify it a bit: A choice on Writer Portal clothing area where you can choose wether the shirt is tucked in or not (example: a button for that)
(Also it could be available in LL and INK maybe?)

Thoughts??? :flushed: :white_heart:


Yes! It’s a great idea! Support :two_hearts:


Support!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Support !!

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I was getting ready to post this suggestion, but I wanted to see if anybody had started a feed already. I 100% support this. I was thinking the same about a button, like they have on the Covet game if anyone here plays that.