Content warnings?

Sooooo… anyone wanting to write a story that has a semi dark theme to it without smashing a thousand content warnings? Well that’s me anyways, and I know I will be putting a content warning but I’m unsure of what else I should add to it… I’ll give a description of the dark theme and just could I get advice on what I should warn the readers about?

The basic dark part is the town the MC moved to is cursed. People her age go missing very frequently. Kidnapped. Never to be seen or heard from again. And no clues left either.

I know it’s not that dark but some readers aren’t okay with that and I just need to know what all I should warn about …


Even with content warnings, be sure to read the Episode guidelines carefully.

I would go for a content warning simply like this:
Content warning: kidnapping, mentions of ____, ______, and ______.

I would just add it for the first episode and be clear that those dark themes carry on for the entire story.

Good luck!


Thank you so much <3 :face_holding_back_tears:

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I would suggest just like @Amphia suggested to have in first chapter something like some scenes may be mature and may trigger some people then later on when you start to talk about the kidnappings and whatever else happening in those chapters put that it has ,,and____.

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thank you honeybun (-:

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Sounds like a interesting story , lmk when it’s out . I would love to give it a read !

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I’m struggling with the title. I already made everything and only recently found out (due to lack of culture in my childhood) it’s already a movie and book title by Steven King of all people :joy::woman_shrugging:t2: Should I be okay?

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