Could someone help me out? 😬

Hey guys. I’m starting a new story and I wanna know your opinions.

What is something in the first chapter of a story that will keep you reading?


Well-written characters. I love when characters have lots of dimensions and usually you can tell when an author is gonna do this from the first chapter.

I don’t care as much about choices, and I don’t care at all about sound/music, but I love advanced directing, custom poses and animations, etc. It’s not necessary, but I absolutely love when it’s clear how much effort an author put into their story.


First of all, welcome to the forums!!

Though it depends on the genre of the story you’re writing, I like drama and mystery (though it may be difficult to include these things in something like a comedy). Everyone likes a good hook.
One great way to make a good hook is by using ~flashbacks~ The more dramatic, the better :smile:


When the story has an engaging premise and plot, I’ll keep reading. I’ll also keep reading if the directing is good. It doesn’t have to be advanced; it just has to flow well and not draw attention to itself in a negative way. is a godsend for directing help and templates!


Moved to Share Feedback since this is about story ideas. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

I usually like a drama or action scene to preview about the future or to see some captivating characters that have a strong or interesting personality that really carries the story

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Like everyone else says: a good plot. But I also like mysteries or cliffhangers. They’re my favorite when implemented correctly. It alway’s makes me want to read the next chapter immediately

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As everyone expressed above, different people will have different opinions on making a good story/episode. As @aloxepisode and @epi.sophia said, the genre matters, but I believe that is not necessarily true because these are opinions. It doesn’t matter what genre your story goes into because a Romance won’t appeal to a mystery lover and Vice versa (unless the reader loves both). What I’m trying to say here is your story won’t appeal to everyone.

As for the techniques and the things that make a story good (as @gnoble22 said), well-developed characters are vital to every story and (as @beetledawl and @CovfefeBoss) said, a good plot would make a good story.

I feel the need to clarify this because I don’t want you to force yourself on a trending theme or genre when you don’t like it. It would help if you created your own story based on what you want, not other people’s expectations.

A few tips:
• Go at your own pace - no matter how fast or slow you are, you are still moving towards your goal.
• Don’t compare yourself - I know this is hard, but try.
• if you want more writing tips, directing, or encouragement, I have made an Instagram account. There will be only one post on there right now, but I will be posting every Saturday from now on (I’ll be posting a recommendation later today).
IG: Tumbi.writes


Thank you to everyone who replied! Your responses helped a lot. <3

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I think a good piece of advice I’ve been given is to start your story, on episode or anywhere else, right in the “middle” of an intense (physically, emotionally, visually, etc.) scene. Intense means different things for different stories and genres. Then you can calm things down to start character/world building.

Instead of having a slow-paced start like getting ready for a day at school, having your character wake up from bed (I’ve been guilty of this :smiling_face_with_tear:), or walking down the street, have them in a fast-paced or emotionally packed scene from the first second the story starts.


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