Create a flash back

Hi! i need help creating a flash back, how should i do it ? what filter is best and how should i introduce it ?
thks love

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you should do transition fade out white at the end of the scene (before the flashback) then have the flash back be in black and white or whichever coulor you prefer, and have the flashback be brought in by transitions fade in white


thanks i’ll try it !

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okay thnkss!!

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You could also have the MC or whoever the flashback is focusing on have a younger version on themselves so it says “Younger Whatevertheirnameis” so people know it was earlier when they were a kid or younger.

I though of writing “flashback” or “a year ago” but idk if it would be nice or just weird

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You could add like “5 years ago” or whatever ina reader message or a narr box

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