Discussion: Misinformation In the Community

Agree :woman_shrugging:t4: Really don’t believe Episode deserved the backlash they got after she shared the email that was literally not supposed to be shown publicly. It honestly infuriates me


Not as much as the INK stans screaming how episode abandoned them over LL and how crappy it is while LL was just released and INK was also trash when it came out

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I mean, I think they’re saying the first part jokingly, “iNk is CaNCeLLEd.” Because they’re excited about Limelight. Stan culture can be like that.

And telling them to get over it…it’s beause we’ve already been told that they won’t update Ink anymore, and no matter how much they ask for more Ink, they aren’t going to get it, because Episode already made this decision.

So if that’s what they’re saying, I think people are taking too literally.


Exactly. If authors are posting information for self serving purposes to further their agenda and literally spread fake news there should be some sort of penalty. This week a lot of false information was spread because it made a specific someone look better. :woman_shrugging:


I…told u im not arguing this…

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Me neither but just to say the ink stans have been more toxic I agree some LL stans have been mean but the ink fans literally took everything they could to turn it into a complaint


Maybe there’s Limelight fans spreading rumors, but Ink fans are definitely the loudest. My explore page is cluttered with Ink fans saying “STOP FORCING LIMELIGHT ON US NOBODY LIKES LIMELIGHT.”

Buuuuut I think any complaints we have about Ink/Ink fans should probably go in this thread, moving forward.
:arrow_down: :eyes:


I just read it omg yessssss iconic we love some tea . Instead of getting mad about fake infos let’s talk more about those hidden beautiful clothes that exist and never see the path to our portal





Ahh that dress is so cute.

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Name-dropping specific members of the community is not allowed, per the Forum General Rules:

It’s fine to discuss current issues that are affecting the community, but please refrain from naming specific members, as this could lead to them being harassed or bullied. Thanks :slight_smile:


People do this a lot. Even in real life.

What did Bukii do?

Saw it coming that’s why I didn’t name her directly :zipper_mouth_face:


It is against the rules after all. :sweat_smile:

Nothing wrong with talking about it but we shouldn’t outright name the people that are doing what they’re doing. They know who they are.


Misinformation comes through miscommunication. :zipper_mouth_face:

Obviously no one would take another author’s word for something like crossovers, if it was explained better in the first place. Although the whole thing with “you can with permission” in guidelines and “you can’t, even with permission” in replies is a little bit weird, most of these can be easily fixed through communication, which now would be explaining the guidelines better rather than waiting for another outrage.

The only reason INK stans thought INK was being targeted was because someone’s INK cover got disapproved and Limelight cover was approved. Whom is allegedly looked the same (if I remember correctly, the covers were never even shared, so point that). Things like this happen, a while ago I had a little experiment, I uploaded an image that’s somewhat similar to a trending story’s exclipt cover. It was disapproved. While I have no idea how things work, I’m sure the reviewers are different each time, so I’m not surprised if things like this do happen. Making a huge deal out of this, is just crazy talk. But I’m glad it happened, at last, they put a disclaimer in the portal about ink.

But there are still some problems that’s on Episode’s end. For instance, saying this such as “names are not copyrighted” to an author, then asking to change the father’s name because of copyright issues is a bit strecth… I find this frustrating, so I kind of can see why emails are being shared. Although some people use it for ill purposes, most times, emails that’s been shared were to inform others and/or to says “oh, don’t be surprised if this changes in my story”. (Not in this case, but other cases such as contest stuff… I know I have shared emails to help others :woman_shrugging:t2:)

The only way to explain this is… no one is a saint. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. I think neither Episode or the community is at fault. Just a disconnected community. I hope it will change though.


Well she who shall not be named posted a screenshot about a comment made by a girl who called her out on her story without blurring or cutting out the girls name which resulted in people harrassing the girl which led to her deactivating her account


So… Like the female you-know-who?

Well if she who shall also never be named posts screeshots without blurring our cutting out names like she who shall never be named does, then yeah.
I didn’t know she who shall also never be named does that too


Let’s not name people and get Jo’s thread closed. We already got a warning from Sydney.