Does anybody fear that the Episode app will close?

Knowing that this forum is closing, I fear that the Episode app may close as well. Does anybody hear fear that?


Personally, I don’t think it will any time soon. It wouldn’t make sense for them to create a whole discord server for episode, then close down the forums just to close down the app. It would also be extremely unlikely for them to do that.


I think about that all the time, which is why I want to keep writing and keep contributing to this community. If Episode has one fan, I’ll be that fan.


I also keep thinking back to this post…

I feel like I cursed us.


I think it’s a certainty at this point. Closing down the forums and pinning all their hope on being able to attract young people via Discord just seems like the final death knells of the app to me. Everything they’re doing seems designed to justify closing down the app, rather than trying to fix it and its institutional problems. I’m guessing it’ll be closed by the new year, but they may surprise me.


Not really, because how would people read other stories? How would we check to see what we have in the app when previewing our stories and other things. If they did, that would be stupid. And the community will just leave, and then uninstall the app. But since Episode is a company if they want to make their own downfall, thats on them and not on the community. :sob:


I really really hope not. I hate how many of us keep thinking this is going to happen soon, it’s just heartbreaking that we’ve even gotten to this point. To people outside the community, Episode is the “cringey dating app.” To the people in the community, it’s so much more than that–and the only reason is because of the community. The talented, dedicated, and loyal community.

I’ll be honest, I started writing in 2017 when I was 15 years old! :joy: I remember only writing stories on my phone’s notes and then finding out that Episode actually let people create their own stories! It was like having your own cartoon tv show! Granted, mine were cringe as hell back then, but I was having fun and that’s all that mattered. Now, at 22 years old, I’m still writing! And I’ve been having a blast doing so. And in all honesty, I’m not sure what I’d do if they decided to discontinue the app.

Episode just celebrated their 10th anniversary, and I would love to see them celebrate a 15th, 20th, etc. one day! They’re like the leading app in their genre with well over 100 million downloads. It really sucks wanting this company to do well because you want to see it stick around for the long haul, but at the end of the day, Episode is a business. And businesses will do what they’ve always done–screw over their consumers. Nasty is as nasty does. I just hope one day they can see how much we all really mean to them before it’s too late. :pensive:


Let’s all think this way!! :revolving_hearts: I would be so sad if Episode app closes :broken_heart:

But, really, what can we do to revive a little the Episode community? If we can do something, I would gladly help :smiley:


Are you talking Episode closing the app completely, or just taking community stories off and just having original stories?


I’m stupid lol. :rofl: :sweat_smile:


It was you! You did this!!! :rage: :rage: :rage: Joke


Is this a scene from Avengers: Endgame? My real name actually means “vision” (also “dream” and “dreamer”), so technically I am an Avenger.

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i was also thinking about this. but they killed their own app by making everything cost diamonds and not caring about ink so less and less stories were written in them which would’ve lost a lot of readers


Them not caring about INK was the start of a plethora of problems.


Yes. :grin:

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There’s no evidence suggesting Episode is closing down soon. Keep an eye on official announcements and enjoy the app in the meantime!


Gonna be blunt here- this is a reach. I highly doubt it’ll shut down. They might make changes, but shutting down is unlikely since they’re still getting new players daily.


I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.


Go outside and talk to people?

In all seriousness it would be a real blow, especially for those (like myself) who have written stories.


I would go talk to people, if I didn’t live in the middle of freaking no where.