Forums is now closing in August

I definitely think it’s a better decision but not a better solution to the amount of resources authors are limited outside of the forums. I have other thoughts but can’t say them to the risk of getting banned. What’s y’alls thoughts?

For anyone who hasn’t seen the thread. Forum Extension!


I’m still upset about Forums closing, but it’s nice that Episode have clearly taken our concerns into some consideration. It shows they are listening, but looks like the migration to Discord is final.


It may be final, but it’ll never be the success they were expecting it to be. Setting aside the issue of it just being an objectively terrible replacement for the forums, there are lots of people out there who want nothing to do with Discord for various reasons. I get the impression Episode either didn’t know or didn’t care about any of those reasons before this. But they do now.



I’m still not happy about it.

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Nobody is

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I think the forums is a much safer place, more resources, better overall, more comfortable place to share things. I really wish forums would stay.


Where was this announced? Is it official it’s closing in August now instead? I finally mustered up some energy to download some of my things for archival sake today. It’s been painful to even click this silly, forsaken website, so I haven’t been keeping up.

I have left the Discord, I won’t be joining. So this is it for me, I’m afraid. I’m over all of this.

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Oh I see everyone, nevermind. Thank you.

They made this announcement 2 days ago?The disrespect is astounding. Wow…
@eyeballs Don’t fall for it and be thankful for what should have been proper consideration in the first place. It’s either they planned to do it in August in the first place and rolled it out this way so it would feel like they were doing us a favor with the extension. Don’t fall for it. It’s disrespectful no matter how you slice it.

I don’t understand this company at all. It’s…worrying. It’s like they’re purposefully messing with us. two days ago, wow.

Well done.


I’m glad I get some more time to go through old threads and replies! After this though, I think I’m fully done with Episode. I already have a discord account but I genuinely can’t bother to join their server when at this point I already feel creatively stifled with the age group they cater to + erasing years of time I’ve spent in the community / what I personally consider the best platform to engage with people interested in Episode & its stories. Very negative aside, I do appreciate the deadline extension.


Oh, I thought it’d be closed today, so I was preparing myself for the impact :smiling_face_with_tear: Glad that we have some time to digest this horrible news.


It’s not going to be closed today anymore? Did they change the date?

They did, it’s closing down in August now. Here’s the thread - Forum Extension!


The deadline has been extended to the end of August to give everyone more time to gather and save resources.

Forum Extension! - Announcements! - Episode Forums (

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beat me to it :laughing:

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:rofl: :rofl:

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