Forum Closing, I'll miss you guys!

So I took a little break from episode just to come back and find out the forums are closing?? I’m so sad this forum has helped me so much, it’s a little sad that the new writers aren’t going to get the same experience I had here. I guess I’ll see you guys on the discord :frowning:


Ah dear, there’s been a complete chaos in the forums since that unexpected and heartbreaking announcement. :pensive:
Take a look at this thread:

I’ll also miss the forums and everyone just like many other people here :broken_heart: :frowning:
Take care! :blob_hearts: :blush:


I don’t think I’ll be using Discord, TBH. Anyway, I’m not looking forward to this forum closing and I must say that a lot of us depended on it and now things such as read for reads and seeking coding advice are going to be a lot harder now.


Try not to lose hope! I’m sure there are other places to get advice. Instagram can be a great place to make group chats relating to episode, there’s also YouTube. The discord doesn’t look too bad but it will definitely be a big change

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