Goodbye episode

Just wanna say goodbye, it is some ago I stopped using the forum and episode some time ago. But in the time I was here, I was happy to help a lot of people with coding art and other things. Your hope you all will have it well,

I also feel a bit sad because I dont feel anyone noticed I left, I spend so much time helping people in the forum. But dosent seem anyone cared I left in the first place.

I miss writhing on episode, but honestly, I am glad I stopped. the app ain’t gonna help a writhing carrier, the best thing it did was teach me how to have a diverse cast in a story.

Anyway, I write on other writhing platforms, if anyone wanna look me up I have the same username everywhere.


If it helps I noticed that you weren’t posting here :heart:
I get it though. My next story won’t be on episode but my reason is the guidelines severely limit content and writing freedom (I’m not talking about romance because lets face it there are loopholes for just about every rule they have - but genres like thriller/horror/action - you can’t really write those genres here without sanitizing the heck out of it because “Episode is a 13+ app” ). I’m glad that you are deciding to continue writing and I wish you all the luck possible in life :heart:

Stay safe and never give up on your dreams :slight_smile:


I haven’t been in the forums that long, but I’ve been in the Episode community for a while now. I can’t say for certain if no one noticed, but perhaps the reason people ‘didn’t notice’ is because they hoped you had stepped away for a good reason, and decided to take up the mantle you left for them. Do what is best for you- and know that this community will have someone else to help them (maybe someone that was inspired by you), but that, no matter what, the impact you made won’t go away. If you help someone, you will never be forgotten.


I’m so sorry to hear you felt this way @line123462 , personally I took a long break from the forums somewhere in 2022-2024, so I wouldn’t know :see_no_evil: Definitely, the environment is very different when I returned (I don’t mean this in a bad way haha; I just mean more quiet).

I feel the same way. It’s been really fun to help out a lot of people with their stories.

To be honest, I’ve also thought about leaving but we’ll see how it goes :joy: maybe in 2025 for me, who knows :joy:

I wish you good luck in your future endeavors :blob_hearts:

I’ll have to check it out sometime :sunglasses:

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