Episode Confessions Thread

It’s an old confession

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I hate this too :roll_eyes:


Wtf same, whoever wrote this, I STAN. I’ve lost interest in reading Episode stories these days, I rarely go on the app lol


Tbh, same. I really like helping out or discussing on the forums, but I am so sick of the storys


lol okay! :sunglasses::+1:

Pride update or something different? Wait, nevermind, found it.

Wow, idk who wrote this but I felt it

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I know the whole point of this was to be anonymous but it was me :sweat_smile:


Sksksks, well me and @LiyahxWrites totally understand and talk about this with each other often


Fr tho its so annoying when people do that but I can’t help but think that I’m over reacting when I feel annoyed by it. :joy:


Here to chime in. You’re not overreacting at all. Most of the time when someone doesn’t respond or acknowledge the review I assume that they can’t handle constructive criticism. However, if you were to sugarcoat the review they probably would respond. Or they simply wanted reads. :roll_eyes:


Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.


NOT OVEREACTING! I’ve had 2 people not reply to my reviews and then later request another for a different story. The first person requested 4 reviews for 4 different stories in total. At first, I was too scared to call her out. But when she requested the third I think, I told her I wouldn’t because I had already done 2 and she hadn’t replied to either. I lowkey hate myself for caving and continuing to review her story, but she apologized because she had simply read it and then forget to say thank you… :roll_eyes: Anyway, her fourth story I reviewed got featured this year and I was annoyed at that because there are way more deserving people, but at least she probably won’t ask for any more reviews now that she got what she really wanted: reads


Agh, nothing that extreme has ever happened to me, but that sounds so annoying to deal with. I probably would have done the same, although I find it hard to speak up to people and I don’t wanna come off as rude, so I never say anything.


What a bish. :roll_eyes:
I’m calling out everybody who doesn’t respond to my review.
Aaliyah is being petty all week long.


Same… I’ve only done it to those two people and only because they request a second time. I know there are others who have ignored me and then there are ones that just went inactive, but like you’ve seen how bad my wait list has been, right? I just wish people would understand that I literally stress over this and won’t even update my own stories because I’m catching up on reviews and so to be ignored or to be used for reads is like the shittiest feelings. So it means a lot when people actually reply and tell me it’s helped them… I kinda rely on it in a sense, otherwise what’s the point? But lol, if you don’t want to call them out, you can get me or Aaliyah to do it :smirk:


If you feel like you are treated badly, then say something, because, in the end, your feelings are valuable. If you say it in a respectful manner, no one will interpret something wrong, you have all the rights to call somebody out.


Oof. I agree with this. I definitely agree with the last bit :smirk:
If you need back up or a hype woman. I’m here @Abimations4


I know I’m not supposed to laugh at this but like #mood :skull::skull:

Thanks :upside_down_face:

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