Episode Forums Official: Share your Art, Edits, and Drawings Continued! :yay: (Part 2)

Nope! I’m good with the painting! :no_good_woman: :rofl:

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:joy: true


My first realistic drawing fail attempt :sob::sob:

I dont know what to say

Ik it’s a failure but do NOT trace or claim it your own


:joy: i will send it to her @Unknown_writer she scared to see it :joy:

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i falling in love with this art @Unknown_writer

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Lol this is not real Annabelle

And nobody wants to post it here cuz you know…

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:joy:i know which one

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real is stuffed one

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I don’t think well thank you!

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you’re welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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:joy: the real one is active through

Not bad though. Just a quick suggestion, first try semi-realism. When you succeed in that it’ll be easier for you to do realistic style.

Semi-Realism Tutorial

I used this to learn semi-realism using this tutorial.


:joy: the video said never draw ugly people :joy: and the video of the art draw is hard .

if on laptop and draw the art it be challenge that why sometimes can used ipad or something in case makes mistake it can be fix but it depends of which device it base on


I know. I disagree on that fact. That’s where anatomy plays a vital role. Not to mention the fact the it messes with my brain when the structure is not properly made. :roll_eyes:

In one of her videos, she mentioned she uses a drawing tablet. But I do it in my Android Tablet in Clip Studio Paint. I’ve always found it much better when drawing semi-realism.

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true :joy: agree it easy on tablet because if any mistake are made it can be fixed

but like laptop like when i used gimp to make sketch draw it challenge and it hard on laptop @Amber3

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I had been working on Annabelle for over a month because the anatomy was always messed up. :disappointed_relieved:

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If you’ve not seen a teenager draw like a five-year-old then see the artwork I did on my laptop. :rofl:

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:pleading_face: oh wow wait that mean you have to change the anatomy because the app was messing up the way the art should be but sometimes that can happens

But Annabella i love the art you do it not bad i sorry that anatomy do that to drawing

because when app do that it messed up the art and can have to start over but it take month

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:joy: :joy: not a 5 years old when they draw a stick

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The most annoying part was when the face would get squashed when I tried to fix the lower body.

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