Episode Forums Official: Share your Art, Edits, and Drawings 🥳

Thank you for always motivating myself and everyone else :sparkling_heart:

And I love this new piece you’ve done. The colors are definitely beautiful.

Also, how are you feeling?

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@Callie2 Aw, you’re too kind :woozy_face: And thank you :blob_hearts:

@UnicornPlayz.Episode thank you :hugs:

@TamiRose No need to thank me for that, everyone here is so talented it’s hard not to acknowledge it :grin: And thank you, it was such a good outline, I had to enter :eyes:
I’m feeling pretty good, a little anxious with all that’s going on with the corona virus but still pretty good :slight_smile: How are you? Are you doing ok?


hi :eyes:

i was working on this a few days ago and came back to it. might be churning out a lot of artwork since I’m self isolating cause of covid-19 :mask::cry:

pls don’t steal, tyyy <3
if anyone wants to use this (or any of my other artwork), PM me and I will consider it :upside_down_face:


Really cute


Here’s something I’ve been working on for a few days. I also decided to add some process screenshots in case anyone’s curious about how I got there. Let me know if you want to see more of the process or WIPs. As usual, don’t steal, trace, redistribute, or use in any way.

App: Procreate Pocket
Layers: 38
Time: 3h 57m

Reference photo loosely used for some anatomy and colors

(Found on google images, not mine)


Idk I think it’s inspiration :sweat_smile:
Also I feel you :weary:
Also love your recent the shading is everything :sob::pleading_face::two_hearts:


Oh my :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
This is so freaking beautiful, how can someone be this good??? Do you want to teach me cause wow :drooling_face: :heart:


I honesty will never get over this. I adore the way you shaded the hair, your skin shading never ceases to leave me absolutely amazed, and just the general aesthetic of this is S T U N N I N G. This is phenomenal and the most flawless thing I’ve ever seen :clap:t2::star_struck::cupid::crown:


Np :grin:

@_haruka Sorry to hear about you having to isolate :heart: but at the same time, I’m really excited to see all your perfect masterpieces like this one :grin:

@Callie2 I’m not really worried for myself, more my boyfriend (severe asthma) and sister-in-law who is immunocomprimised :worried:

@ArtisticWaffle You should definitely show your process more often! Everyone loves to watch a master make their creation! It is simply stunning, there aren’t words in existence that can describe the sheer perfection of that artwork :sneezing_face: :blob_hearts:

@Jany Well give me a bit of whatever inspiration you’re having so I can draw as good as you :sweat_smile: and thank you :heart:

@Tusse Ooh, my little heart has melted into a puddle :pleading_face: thank you :blue_heart: If I teach you, I need some others on this thread to teach me first :eyes:

@Mystery.Author Had to use a wheat background, need to keep to my brand :sunglasses: :joy: And thank you, I think you are one of very few people who have kept me drawing since I started :sob: You’ve always been so nice and supportive of my art, even when it looks like :shit: And I’m gonna stop talking before I go into full soppy mode :see_no_evil:


Sorry mass the nose little bit


Aw thank you so much! I will, I’m glad to hear that you think it’s a good idea! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That very pretty :heart_eyes::blush:

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Ahh yes everyone on this thread are crazy talented and you’re one of them! :heart_eyes: But seriously I love your shading, it makes your art look so nice and alive. :exploding_head: :heart: I want to live in that painting lol :joy:


I do appreciate you sticking to your brand. :sunglasses::ear_of_rice:
And for the record, you’re one of the only reasons I’m still so active on forums, so the feeling is mutual my friend. :relieved::crown:

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Here’s one I made with the pencil tool in procreate, I hate how I’m limited to what I can draw and use properly because I don’t have an Apple Pencil, it can be trash without one. But the pencil tool is babe.


Does anyone know the rules for what isn’t allowed to be posted here? I’m assuming there must be some restrictions.

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Read the this, it states the general rules of this thread and other ones as well.


I’m alright, I just read your previous post and wanted to see if you’re better. lol this virus has got everyone going nuts. Meanwhile I’m just practicing my little sketches.

And speaking of, I tried a new sketch and my main focus was practicing the hair lol I know it’s not perfect and needs more work so any constructive criticism you have about anything I’d love to get it🤓

My reference is from Pinterest


Thanks. I was mostly asking because the rules get kinda vague about drawings.