Episode Overlays, Free Use

No problem, love :slight_smile: If you see any others that need overlays, feel free to comment them :slight_smile:

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Hi, I can’t seem to find it, is it under the new drive?

That is my personal background drive. The link to the Episode Overlays drive is in the top post of this thread. I’ve organized the folders by portal name to make them easy to navigate :slight_smile:

Got it, thanks for your help :smiling_face:

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You’re welcome, love :slight_smile: Hope the drive helps you out :slight_smile: I add the names of the backgrounds that I’ve added to the drive in the top post with the most recent additions bolded. Good luck with your story!

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Bumping for all of our new members! Welcome, y’all! This drive is overlays for Episode Catalog backgrounds and I don’t require credit for using them :slight_smile: My little way of helping out around the community!

If you see one I’ve missed or one that needs overlays, comment their Catalog Name (i.e.: INT. BATHROOM - DAY) and I’ll get them added

bump again :hugs: :laughing:

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what a hero

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@bxllagray Thank you! You are a gem!

@Amphia Aw, you’re sweet! If you ever see one or need one that I haven’t done (or a specific part of one I have done) comment the Art Catalog name and I’ll try to get it in as quickly as I can :slight_smile:


@ColeCatalyst first of all thank you for this drive! I was wondering if you could make an overlay of the cave roof and vines

Bg from Episode portal

Thank you in advance! :heartpulse:

Hi, of course :slight_smile: do you know the portal Art Catalog name?

Edit: @Seep_Mukta It’s been added in the folder "EXT. CAVE - NIGHT " :slight_smile: Good luck with your story.

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Thank you so much! I know it’s not needed but I’m still gonna go ahead and credit you for it :heartpulse:

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Aw, thanks :heart: And I did all the versions of that cave so you (and others) have your pick of which version you need :slight_smile:

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Thank you AGAIN :face_holding_back_tears:

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Bumping :slight_smile:

Welcome to all our new members! This drive is free to use and doesn’t require credit (if you want to credit, my forum name is fine). Good luck and happy writing!

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Hey, for some reason i can’t find this background in ur drive.


Hey, here’s a link to this specific folder: EXT. BEACH CLUB POOLSIDE - DAY - Google Drive

Has the original and the edited in day/night versions Hope this helps!

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Thank u sm! :relieved:

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Bumping before I forget about them lol!

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