False Squad contest entry awareness

I’m very disappointed that some people are adding “Squad:” to their story titles of already established (aka NOT part of the contest) stories. I feel that is very disrespectful to the people who worked hard on their contest entries.

The few extra reads you might gain from this is not worth the respect you will lose in the community for this greedy and dishonest behavior in the long run.

I’m aware this is a chronic problem that is not unique to the current contest.

Please don’t try to steal the spotlight from genuine contest entries. This is their time to shine.

That’s my two cents. Do your research so you don’t waste passes on dishonest stories with greedy intentions.

To those of you who have worked hard for this contest…Best of luck and I am excited to read your entries! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m not surprised that people are willing to do stuff like that. It’s very disappointing. You might’ve worked hard on your story, but you might have more time than someone who’s doing the contest within a set deadline.


Woah, when did this happened! :scream: but I agree with everything you say.


Even a famous author is doing the contest


There are two I’m personally aware of.
I recommend checking lists of genuine entries that people have compiled. Alenga on insta has a good list.


Yeah, we do have big authors joining the contest.


I have the list. lol


I don’t see any problem with that as long as they are not adding “squad” to their story titles on unqualified stories.


Just saying

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UGH, This is below horrible. What in the world is wrong with people in this community so obsessed with reads that they’re willing to go this low for them?? I had no idea people were doing this so thanks for the heads up.


I had no idea people were doing that

Very disappointing. I am only going to read entries on Squad reading list, like Alenga’s and a few other authors who have been asking authors to drop their stories. There’s also a list on the forum that @lanafrazer_episode made. :sunflower: :sunflower:


True i have noticeed some as well but its easy to find if its squad entry or not truly with their description and cover. luckily i read stories from alenga_reads list on Ig she figures out the true ones and its easy to avoid false ones. And this is something that should be said well done@

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How would you know based on description and cover?

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Well i have found a few myself where i actually found that their descriptions somehow have to resemble somthing with squad and most probably covers contain more than 2 to 3 members and i always look at it like that so far i fugured one story didnt fit the theme as well and seems like that author did just add squad for a few more reads

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I just checked some of the entries’ summaries, and I can see what you mean mainly with people entering mentioning a group of multiple people. I’m sure Episode might be able to tell what’s not in the contest if they can see when stories were published. It’s still messy though since the app has nothing to indicate when a story was updated or made.


thats true! but u see if they do had a story before they would have for sure promoted it before right? I think episode might figure it out like that plus there are so many amazing entries all due released today! I cant wait to read them!

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I think they can.
Also, I’m assuming these fake entrants didn’t fill out the form to enter anyway :sweat_smile:


If someone actually did fill out the form, that would be insane.

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