Fonts minimized after latest IOS update

Does anyone else have so small button fonts after the latest IOS update?

I wrote to support and they answered me that I have to re-install app.

That’s the last thing I want to do. So I’m wondering if anyone else has the fonts smaller or is just my app?


I’m on iOS and mines the same since the update.

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Hey, I’m having the same problem too. This weird display makes it hard for me to spot direct. But weirdly enough in my ipad and laptop, the spot direct isn’t small like that, only in my iphone (happened even before I install the update). Thought it was just me lol.

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I have also noticed that the RESET button is not working and this button is extremely important when writing with points.

Anyway, the support told me now that this is a known issue and they’re working to resolve it. :heart:


All the fonts are super small and it’s so annoying. This started happening after the update


I know… I can’t see the small text when coding anymore :sweat:

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Also noticed that emoji are no more colored.


If you haven’t already, please submit a ticket and include any spots that you notice are worse than others. It helps us when we’re relaying the info to the team for investigation. :slight_smile:


I’m the opposite as of today anytime I play its twice the size now much bigger. I wrote support but they gave me options I already did but nothing to fix the problem. I sent them pics but we will see.

Yeah, mine has gotten smaller as well except for the choice fonts – they’ve gotten bigger. The font for the text message format has also gotten pretty blurry. I hate it. 🥲


Same for me!!

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My font on my iPhone is still small when previewing stories. It’s driving me crazy

Ikr!! I might go insane if I have to continue with it! I already have glasses because I can’t see faraway things but I think I will another glasses to see nearby small fonts 🥲

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Yeah I can’t see either.

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That sucks :sneezing_face:

I thought it was just me, this is really annoying!
Mine has also reverted to the old way where you have to click a button to swap between scaling and sizing characters which makes it a lot longer too.


Still an ongoing issue!

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Today’s IOS update didn’t fix any of known issues.


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I have no idea what’s going on but on my phone, it won’t allow me to put special characters in my name like I can’t do this - 𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕡𝕒𝕘𝕖! 𝕀𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕚𝕠. My bio changed completely, it’s in such a tiny box now and I can’t see how my bio looks at all like I use to when I press more. This happened after I updated to the latest iOS which I wish I didn’t do. But even before that it was acting weird. Glad to see I am not the only one!

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