Free Cover Art (OPEN)

Hi! How can I contact you about this?

Hi! Are you still offering to make free covers?

Hi, iā€™m interested in a cover for my new episode story, are you still open for requests?

hey! are you still doing cover art! the covers you made look really cool! donā€™t worry if you canā€™t, thanks for reading!

Your art is so cool can we talk about the cover on insta mine is @Ice.episode_

Hi do you still do art covers? Me and my friend are looking for one itĀ“s for a school project.

Hey are you still taking request because I have one

Heyy girll if youā€™re not too busy I would love one

This is the mc

sheā€™s just a normal girl but then she ends up in prison and she becomes a whole new person.

Her personality is in the cover I want sad.

I want something like shes behind the bars and holding them (if you know what i mean) if you can do that x

If itā€™s possible I want her to be in this clothes.

The story name is The new me.

Lots of love

And I donā€™t want her to pose like this I just didnā€™t have another picture x

Hello! Do you do covers?

can someone make me a art cover

please it is for my story

can i get an art cover too please for my new episode story

If you still need i could make one? Just PM me and I can show you some examples of my work also i wuld need the details

Oh i actually donā€™t need it anymore because Iā€™m decided to just do it myself but thank you though :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

O ok no problem

Hey! Do you still do art covers?
I would like to have something similar like this if itĀ“s possible :slight_smile:

Just without the text. It would also be nice if you could add some banner with the title (Falling in Loveā€¦).
My characters look like this:

and this

if you need more information, just tell me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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No problem I actually donĀ“t need it anymore