Help? How do you become a vampire?

In stories how do you become a vampire when you were human cause I’m writing a vampire story but I haven’t read one in a while and I wanna get it out asap can you help?


You have to change the character’s mouth into one with fangs. You could also change the eye color into red/violet :slight_smile:


you get bit by a pureblood or halfblood. it takes a couple days before the effects kick in and you don’t become a full one till you drink blood. they also don’t have reflections.


I meant like in the story like do they get bite and it just happens or what

Ok but like what if they were just trying to kill you/suck ur blood not turn you

they just keep sucking the bit. if they do it long enough theyll loose to much blood and yea but for the story’s sake most people can use context to determine wheter the vampire killed the person or is turning them.

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Well I’m trying to make they tried to kill the girl but then another girl pushed him off the girl he was trying to kill and then argue so the girl passes out and then wakes up but they thought she was dead but ends up being a vampire (does that make sense?)


yes yes so then maybe for like 4-5 beats would be good.


Is there anything else I should know about vampires


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Is there any other things about vampires I should know?

I’ll just list everything I know in the traditional sense - feel free to take some artistic Licesne in your story.

  • There are two types of vampires: pure blood and half blood. Pure blood have always been vampires and half bloods haven’t. Pure blood are far stronger and more attractive as part of the way to lure in victims. They are also the only ones able to have offspring.

  • In different stories, people portray being bitten in different ways. In some, if you give a human your vampire blood and then die, you will turn into a vampire. In others, if you are bitten but not killed, the venom will eventually kill you and in a few I’ve seen, you have the choice to inject venom into the victim through your fangs to turn them.

  • In other stories, pure bloods are the only ones who can turn you, and they do so by the human and vampire both exchanging blood.


  • Some of them have acquired special powers, I.e healer, super strength, telekinesis, mind reading etc but this isn’t the case in all stories.

  • They can live off of animal blood in some stories, but it doesn’t give the same effect.

  • Super speed. Not much to say there. Just don’t get on their bad side. :woozy_face:


  • Sometimes they can’t go out in the daylight. In series like the vampire diaries, they wear special rings to help them… I think. I’ve never watched it. If they can go out in the daylight, it often weakens them.

they’re extermely fast, the can go without human blood for quite a long time, new vampires need alot of it. * Their eyes can put humans in a trance, so they obey the vampire’s command. and they have hieghtened senses.

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Thank you!

Thank you

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yw yw