Help with my mcs!

hey all! so for my story unfortunately i won’t be able to do CC due to overlays, and i’ve got most of the character sorted (skin tone, eye color, hair color) but i was wondering if you could tell me your preferences for male and female limelight for face shapes, eye shapes, hair style, mouth shape etc because i want it to be enjoyable for the reader. thank you!

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I dont know what people prefore but I can give some advice to how to make better charaters

so personally I really hate the Deep Set False Lashes Smokey Eye. I know some people really like them I dont I think they look creepy.

make sure hair match eyebrow color,

try give evry different face details, like dont give people unleash they are siblings or parents, the same eyes nose face mouth shapes. also different hair style for evryone

avoid blue eyes on black people, light lips on black people, dark lips on light people, purple and red eyes on anyone who arent a fantasy creature.

the silhouette colors shall also be avoided unleash its a shadow person, aka someone readers arent suppose to know

also you can always do limited CC where people can pick hair and face details, but it’s your choice personally I dont care about CC


same! thanks for ur advice x


Yes! I agree, I think it’s really ugly (No offense to anyone)

I’m very picky on lips, I just CANNOT stand Full Round Pouty Lips, it drives me insane!


I am guilty of using those even though I actually dont like them either, but look at her she looks great, I dont like the eyebrow either normally, but somehow this just work,



I guess I don’t mind them on bg characters, but on my MC when she’s talking it looks pretty bad. Plus I hate it when literally everyone has those lips, it’s just really weird for me


I agree when its everyone its bad, like I try to follow the rule of not using the same features twice, unleash its family.

I read a story today where, 7 diffrent girls, not family, had the Deep Set False Lashes Smokey Eye. there was only two girls in the story there dint have them, and they where more like background charaters,


Oh my god I would have had a headache lol. It looks so fake and really strange.


Everyone is pretty obsessed with the “Heavy Lid Upturned” eyes for the female characters (me included lol )


i usually go for female generic…is that just me lmao

I went for Deepest Downturned for my mane character


but I gave those eyes to a love interest



i feel like I always use the downturned wide eyes haha they’re so cute and give that sleepy puppy dog look


Both your characters look really cute! :heart_eyes: