Help with sound and animation layering!

I am using INK
How can I use 2 sounds? Like a phone vibration and then a phone alert? It wouldn’t let me and kept saying error.

Also I want him to the do the first and second animation but I’m having trouble; he only does the (talk_phone_neutral_loop) and doesn’t do the idle to stop talking. It won’t register the 2nd one at all. I’ve tried to search up multiple tutorials but there are none for ink only Limelight.

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About the first matter, you have to write “YOU” above their line.

Like this:

&YOU is talk_phone_neutral_loop THEN YOU is idle_phone_hold_sad

About the second issue, can you please send a screenshot of what the error is saying? Because the error is only talking about the first issue.

thank you so much and yes it says this!

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after the vibrate sound put sound off maybe


Thanks! Maybe add @pause for 1/ @pause for 0.5


thank you!


You’re very welcome! :blush:

thank you it worked!

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Happy I could help :blush:

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