How do people write long episode stories?

I just can’t get over 10 chapters while planning mine. Is there any method to make my story longer? (Like 15-30 chapters)


You could go through your plot and chapters and see if there are ways to add more drama or problems that will require more time to be sorted out, or see if there are more scenes you could add to allow readers to see and understand your side and main characters more, like their pasts or something? You could also focus more on world-building if you want to, to give readers a better understanding of your story’s setting, universe, system etc. :see_no_evil:


Yes, that’s true! Thank you ^^ I think I’ll write more about the MC’s past, since it is very important to the story.


No problem!

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Depends, is it necessary to even have it last for a while? No point in extending a story just to extend it, after all!


Actually, a shorter story is more impactful because most of it is remembered. Realistically in a 20+ chapter story the only memerable parts will be the cliff hangers and major drama in between. Most readers (including myself lol) aren’t going to remember most of what’s given to them.

A cool concept in my opinion I’d like to try in the future to create more content is the multi perspective approach where the MC goes through the story and sees events only available to them when present in a scene but a second MC version of the same events but with a twist that affects the same timeline just at a different angle so to speak.


How long are your chapters? Sometimes I plan a chapter and then because it ends up being like 30 minutes long, I split it into 3. So if your chapters are long, maybe you could try splitting them?


Thank you for the answers!^^
My chapters will be around medium length (around 10-15 minutes). I was thinking about making multiple POV’s, but I don’t really know whose would be interesting. I could make another POV about the MC’s past, but I feel like it would be a bit out of place in this story.

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Short stories are good too, they don’t necessarily need to have lots of chapters. If you want to have more chapters, then try splitting your current chapters somewhere in the middle to make each one 7 minutes long… some readers might not like short chapters though, haha. But it all depends on the pace and the plot, so they could be okay. Lots of big stories have short chapters less than 10 mins.

I wouldn’t recommend adding too many fillers unless they’re important.


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honestly idfk how ppl do it i give up writing an essay after the first few sentences


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