How do you draw the hair on ibis paint?

Hello I’m Leslie! I try to help out as best as I can :sweat_smile::two_hearts:
-How do you draw the hair on ibis paint? I’ll show step by step
-Which brushes do you use? Round brush real
First I add Base Color and go to select it so it.
Then I set the layer mode to add and with the round brush real I :arrow_heading_down:

I add a new layer and set the layer mode to add again and this time just go around the middle. Lower the layer’s opacity if you want <3

After that I get a darker color of the base and start from the edges to midway middle :upside_down_face: or something like this :arrow_heading_down:

Feel free to go back and add more highlights

Hope this helps :upside_down_face: have a good day and if you need explanation on some stuff I mentioned please don’t be scared to ask!