How to make a character draw a gun quick when the zone is moving?

I don’t know how to do this…

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Oh thanks

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Sorry, I was terrible. lol

There’s not really a way to speed up animations, but you can cut them off partway through. If you wanted the gun to be drawn a little bit faster, for example, you could do something like this:

If you want the character to draw then fire rapidly:

@.CHARACTER starts draw_gun_angry THEN pause for 0.25 THEN CHARACTER starts shoot_gun_angry THEN pause for 0.25 THEN CHARACTER starts shoot_gun_angry THEN pause for 0.25 THEN CHARACTER is shoot_gun_angry

Or if you want the character to draw the gun fast without shooting:

@.CHARACTER starts draw_gun_angry THEN pause for 0.35 THEN CHARACTER is idle_gun_angry_loop

**Note that these pauses may be tweaked to suit your preferences

Basically, using starts instead of is in order to make a character do an action followed with a pause for however long you want the animation to run can shorten the time the animation will play, allowing you to have the character transition to a different action faster. This will create the illusion of faster movement.

I hope this helps.

I mean in INK

I believe it should function similarly, but with the draw_gun, idle_hold_gun, and/or shoot_loop animations.

Something like this:

&CHRACTER starts draw_gun THEN pause for 0.25 THEN CHARACTER is shoot_loop
@.pan to zone x

I hope this helps.

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