I need scars :)))

hey does anyone have scars for skin tone light/caramel in ink (don’t send art shops) I hate it when people do that :))

but please if you have bruises/scars or maybe something from someone else’s drive just let me know how to credit!

like this but not bloody just like a scar that’s been there for awhile ig


please & thank you!

If you want this to happen, you are going to need an overlay. Every single time the person moves, you have to shift the overlay.

I asked for an overlay I know how to use it. But I NEED the overlay

Hey, I think you might like one of these :point_down:t2:
imageonline-co-transparentimage Ekran_Görüntüsü__73_-removebg-preview Ekran_Görüntüsü__74_-removebg-preview

And if you decide to use one of them, you can credit me with my instagram, @sonder.episode

Stay safe :butterfly:

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thank you so much if I will use them I’ll credit you but I’m looking for something else thanks though

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I don’t think I will find a better one since yours is so good! I’ll use it thank you!!

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Thanks for your kind words. :blob_sun:

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@nick you can close this please & thank you, It’s been solved!

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Closed: Marked as solved by Op :smiley: