I need story ideas and name for the story

Requirements -
Romance and true love
1 - 2 love interests ( preferably 1 love interest)
Hospital based like Grey’s Anatomy
Basically like Grey’s Anatomy, if you don’t know what Grey’s Anatomy is looking it up.
Try to be specific about your pitch.

Moved to Share Feedback since this is about story ideas. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

Hi :llama:

I just finished writing the first Episode of my first story.

I found it to be really fun and much easier to do the following before starting to code:

  1. Create a simple Word Doc with your “brainstorm” ideas (bulletpoints?) and write a small section of about 2 pages that entails a summary of your story’s plot (don’t write everything out in detail just yet, allow yourself to be a little spontaneous)
  2. Create an Excel Doc and start making your own mind map (google some examples), this will also help you to keep track of your choices / branches / labels / flags, etc (you can just duplicate this sheet so that you dont have to create everything all over again for your next Episode)
  3. Create Character ID’s - Here you can do something like taking a screenshot of each of your characters and pasting them into a doc, then write a small bio about all of them (their traits, weaknesses, strenghts, history / background)

Doing so will help you keep the story realistic and interesting

  1. Create a Pinterest board and save all of the things that inspire you about the story you’re opting for
  2. You could also read a novel that’s similar to the story you want to create. This will help improve your writing style and vocab. It’ll also help to inspire you

I have templates for all of these. I’ll gladly share them with you!

Let me know if you need any extra help / advice

Happy writing! :blob_hearts:

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