Ibis Paint x: hair

I’m curious to know what brushes other artists use for the hair part of their art works. I’m having trouble with mine because I wanna give it sorta like a real and better look but im not sure where to start or what brush/brushes to use!

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Round brush real <3

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Do you use a lighter pr darker version of the default hair color you’re working with? And what size and opacity if I may ask

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Recently, I’ve been doing a more cartoon-ish style, but here’s a link to the way Leslie does hair, it’s helpful and uses ibis paint x

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thanks! I’ll check this out

@keiji hey! I am sorry to annoy you… and im sorry if you didnt want to be tagged, but I need urgo help :joy: I tried going along with your tutorial in the post that Huruka sent above, but some things I didnt understand. If you could maybe clarify them for me? that would be great! If not, thats ok too :sweat_smile:

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Sure could I send you them maybe tomorrow? I have school right now and homecoming right after :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sure! No problem, do it when you can! :heart:Thanks! And you’re lucky :joy:

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leslie actually taught me how to do my hair,

select the hair with magic wand, or the selection layer so there’s nothing thatll go over the lines.
use the original color as a base, then get that same color, add an “add” layer then go over the hair w strokes w round brush real thatd go w the hair, then after that (w the same brush, round brush real) you can add a kinda darker color than the base to the ends n where its needed like the roots n stuff (you can change the opacity if its too dark), les didnt tell me this but you can use the fade pen n grab a slightly lighter color than the base, use an “add” layer n highlight some spots thatre expose to light, you can also lower the opacity if it doesnt look natural .

lmfaoo i prolly made that sound more complicated :sob:


You can use this thread for creating real hair!

You can also use @/lexlie’s thread for hair where @/haruka showed you the thread


I can show how to make this kind of hair, I’m also drawing on ibisPaint X

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It sounded perfectly clear :slight_smile:Tysm!

@Epi.milkyway thanks ill check that out

@Akella ooh


ofc :kissing:

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Aww thanks for recommending my thread! :heart:


I just use the normal brush and the one with more stips if you know what I mean if you want to know how it look you can ask

Hmmm, so you guys all use Ibis huh? I have a tip for the people on pc. You can also use paint 3d. Alot of people refrain from using it because they think it’s bad. But if you try to learn working with it, it can have amazing results! I don’t know if you guys are interested to see what I made, but you can always ask me for examples. :kissing_heart:

Can you teach me pm me

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I use

round brush (curve)

what it looks like:

Hope this helps!


I- HOw?!

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Yeah, I can teach you