I'm a curious weirdo right now

Ok I have some questions

  1. Do you prefer a long first chapter or short first chapter

  2. Short but more chapters or long but less chapters?

  3. Shy female main character or confident female main character

And last question, how many love interests would you prefer in a romance story?

  1. Do you prefer a long first chapter or short first chapter
    define long. some people think 10 minuts is longe others think its short. but I would say around 10 minuts per chater

  2. Short but more chapters or long but less chapters?
    long but less chapters

  3. Shy female main character or confident female main character
    depend on the story. and how well written the MC is


Short first chapter.
Short but more chapters.
Shy female main character.
2-3 love interests.


@line123462 @Nat99y

Interesting :thinking: thanks for putting in your opinions! :revolving_hearts::see_no_evil::hugs:

  1. I think I prefer long first chapters so we could get an idea of how the story will be like and a little peek into the characters and their dynamic with each other.

  2. I prefer long but less chapters.

  3. I don’t really have a preference as long as they’re well-written.

I prefer at least 2 love interests, preferably with contrasting personalities and at least one of them being an LGBT or Female Option.

  • Do you prefer a long first chapter or short first chapter
    I don’t like short nor long chapters, maybe 5-10 minutes long
  • Short but more chapters or long but less chapters?
    Long but less chapters.
  • Shy female main character or confident female main character
    There is nothing wrong with shy MC, but people make them kinda boring, overly good, and same goes with confident, people sometimes make them overly rude or bratty, but if used right I like both confident or shy.

It’s up to you but I like to develop and focus on only 1 love interest.


@baechulgi @sofia2 Thanks! Both awesome opinions tysm :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:


No problem good luck with your story! :black_heart:


Thank you! :see_no_evil:


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A short first chapter :blob_sun:

No option for short chapters with a few episodes? :joy: Guess I’ll go with short chapters but more episodes :thinking:

Confident MC :v: :metal2:

Like 1-3 but if a reality love show, then many more :chef:


I prefer a shorter first chapter, but other chapters are longer. For the first episode, I recommend doing something that gets the readers hooked or a brief summary of what they’ll be getting into.

Long but fewer chapters. I would prefer more dialogue and descriptive scenes rather than the author being afraid that the scene is too long.

Most prefer a confident MC. The general population of stories have a shy female MC, so readers find it refreshing to see something different.

Well, this all depends what you are willing to write. If you can code and have complex choices, then go for having multiple love interests. However, I think most readers prefer one love interest that is likeable. It is easier for the reader to get attached.

  1. Short first chapter
  2. Well I like the as much read time as possible. I enjoy stories with medium read length and more chapters.
  3. Confident! I like reading about characters who are confident, someone I can look up to and aspire to be! I’m decently confident, but want to be fully confident with myself. And stories with characters like that, help me to become the person ik I can be in time.
  4. I think a lot are fine, as long as some of them kinda get “eliminated” and have like a select few of love interests (1-3) that you can actually grow with, and it gives the readers their own choice bc everyone sees different things in different people. I hope you get what I mean :sweat_smile:

I hope this helps :blush::two_hearts:

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  1. Do you prefer a long first chapter or short first chapter
    Long if blunt
    Short if it goes into unnecessary detail

  2. Short but more chapters or long but less chapters?

  3. Shy female main character or confident female main character
    Shy I can relate more

And last question, how many love interests would you prefer in a romance story?
1 or 2
If she’s shy I would go with one so you can focus on building the connection between that way she doesn’t suddenly like with two guys or girls.
If she is more outgoing and social, she can make more friends and it seems alright to have her like multiple people