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plane crash


Sand. So soft. I felt a tap on my lip, so gentle but alarming. “Hey…” I looked up, and baby blue eyes met mine. Aisha. Where…I shot up quicker then I thought I could, and held my baby sister tight. My hands began to shake uncontrollably…Aisha looked confused. As if she didn’t understand why I was acting so crazy, maybe I had forgotten to take my pills? No…“What are you doing, weirdo?” For a ten year old, she had the tendency to be quite mouthy. “Aisha. Where are mom and dad?” I kneeled down to her. Everything felt so wrong…surreal. Aisha looked fine. Just fine. “We’re on vacation. That’s what the strange people in the forest told mom and dad. I pretended not to listen” "Okay…Um. Yeah, Okay. " She titled her head like a confused puppy, and my nerves calmed down for a little. Mom and dad were here. That’s a start. A great start might I add! “Come on.” I held her hand, she still didn’t understand. We walked into the forest, hours after hours. We only got more lost. “Aisha. You told me mom and dad were in the forest. Did you lie?” “I…I dunno.” She seemed as if she hadn’t remembered something that happened not too long ago. My nerves resurfaced. I ignored her endless questions, and we walked the other way.
There was no exit.
Strange. Aisha waited. At least she was quiet. I hadn’t remembered much of what happened before when I woke up on the beach, too. Think.
The crash.
We continued to walk, and Aisha quieted down. Night came. We still hadn’t found them. Like that, like fate, I spotted figures in the distance. They spotted us too. Yes! Mom and Dad finally found us! I turned to look at Aisha to wake her up, but she was gone. I looked in the distance. The figures were gone too. Just like that, everything felt so far away. Blurred. The cool air and the glow of the night, disappeared.
Until I was in pitch darkness.

The end!

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