Infinite looping command not working?

I’m trying to use a looping command but it’s not working. I’ve made an overlay of a news ticker (it’s the news that goes across the bottom of the screen on a news station) and a tv overlay, but the loop isn’t working. I’ve made a copy of the original overlay and have it loop from where the end of the original overlay stopped and I can’t loop it infinitely. What’s wrong with the code? Thanks!

@zoom on 138 128 to 105% in 0
@overlay AFWTDTV create
@overlay AFWTDTV opacity 1
@overlay AFWTDTV moves to layer 2
@overlay AFWTDTV shifts to 0 0 in zone 1
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1 create
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1 moves to layer 1
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1 opacity 1
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1 shifts to 22 229 in zone 1 in 0
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1 scales to 1.702 1.702
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1_1 opacity 1
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1_1 moves to layer 1
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1_1 shifts to 295 229 in zone 1 in 0
@overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1_1 scales to 1.702 1.702
&overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1 shifts to -3100 229 in zone 1 in 40 THEN overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1 shifts to -3371 229 in 4 AND overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1_1 shifts to 22 229 in 4 THEN overlay AFWTDNEWSTICKER1_1 shifts to -3100 229 in zone 1 in 40 loop infinite times

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check this guide out:
Overlays Guide | Dara Amarie (

You cannot use “AND” for a looping command.

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Adding &overlay might help
I have a looping overlay that took me a moment to figure out the code. Mine looks like this for reference:

@overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK create

&overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK shifts to 128 382 in zone 2

&overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK to layer 4

&overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK scales to -0.040 -0.040

&overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK opacity 1.00 in 3

&overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 2 THEN overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0 loop INFINITE times

&overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK scales to 0.117 0.117 in 3

[My script has dialogue here]

&overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK scales to -0.040 -0.040 in 3

@overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK opacity 0 in 2 THEN overlay MAGIC_ORB - BLACK clear

(Script code spread out for easier reading)
Hope this helps :heart:

“infinite” can be all caps or all lower case, either works just fine.

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Weird :thinking: It only worked for me capitalized :sweat_smile:

It was probably changed when episode changed donacode so ‘and’ and ‘then’ could be written in lowercase instead of only in uppercase.

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:thinking: possibly, but I wrote my script after that change/update so kind of weird :woman_shrugging: