Liberals, please stop!

yeah that’s why I started saying conservatives instead lol

AP Gov. class on public opinion? Hmm…cool.

Whatcha wanna talk about then specifically? Like…just “public opinion” seems kinda broad?


facts lmao. Republicans literally get offended by the most ridiculous things :joy:

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I don’t know if I’m considered a feminist, but I think men and women are equal. If you come up to me and say “A man is way stronger than a woman.” I will literally attack and give facts about both genders being equal. If you come to me and say “Women are wayyyyyyyy a better than men” same thing. No gender is better than one because in the end we’re all people? Yeah that’s pretty much it :tea:


Oh whoops I think I meant to say Feminazi

Yeah meant to say Feminazi

Lmao yeah I agree. I don’t think that is considered being feminists or not. But I’m not really sure lol.

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Ben Shapiro…?

Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper.


Like we discussed 6 different kinds of voter participation, telling the difference with conservative and liberalism views, and the political spectrum with liberalism on the left side of the spectrum while the conservative is on the other side of the spectrum

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I’m not a fan of Trump. I don’t think saying “grab them by the p****y”, sexual assault/harassment, is a good thing. Funny thing is I’m not even a Democrat or a Republican.

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Ah, I see ^^ Politics is very fascinating to me. Like I’m always all about it X’DDDD

You’re so right, but one of the Forum rules is " Topics should be Episode related. This is not a place to debate politics or religion or lobby for anything. This includes debates about people’s opinions or personal beliefs on religion and politics or anything that can be viewed as potentially hostile or overtly offensive towards other users." and I think this topic goes against it. But you’re right, feminism is all about equality for both genders, but there’s some women who take it too far and want things like No Father’s Day which is scary and believe in raising children as a single mom instead of both parents-no, you need both your mom and dad there for you!


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