Lost names of the creators who provided backgrounds/overlays

I made a silly mistake. I had all the creator names from backgrounds and overlays I downloaded saved on a Notepad on my PC. To summarize, I accidently deleted said Notepad and no I have no idea to figure out which is which. I spent hours researcing but there is no way to restore it to my computer (that I am aware). Some of them I do remember and I’ve already started using them in my story. However, I don’t want a creator to think I am trying to steal their work without credit. I have no way of telling where some of these came from and I have manyyyy backgrounds and overlays already uploaded to my account. How should I go about this? Should I still publish the story I’ve created? I’m trying to replace those specific creator backgrounds/overlays with regular episode given backgrounds to avoid any sort of issues.

Moved to Art Resources since this is about backgrounds. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :grinning:

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You could put here the ones you have used and don’t remember the editor of! People usually help with these kinds of things!

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Ah! Good idea!

So far I remember -



Maybe show us the background you are using for your story, maybe someone will recognize them :blush:


You could also publish and put a note in your story, something like:
“I used list of backgrounds because they were important for my story, but I don’t know who the creator(s) are, so if you do, please let me know and I’ll fix that immediately!”

Post all of the backgrounds here. People will come by and hopefully, with enough people, all of these creators will be identified.


I wouldn’t recommend anyone do this as it’s in violation of many creators’ guidelines. If you do not know who to credit/if you should credit, do not use those assets in your story until you figure it out.


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