***New Art Shop***

Should I open an Art Shop?

I’ve just started doing my own digital art more professionally and I was wondering wether I could start taking commissions.

I am rather limited in my art for now.

Do you think it’s good enough for selling?


It’s good and makes sure to add a watermark on your work, people love to steal. You can start taking commissions whenever you want, that’s your choice.


Good point with the watermark, I didn’t even think of that


A lot of artists don’t really think about it until they notice their work being stolen, well sometimes. But, it’s okay! lol. No biggy. :grin:


Still looking for more opinions.
The second drawing I just did in under 3 hours, so I’d say I’m getting good at it.

If you were willing to pay for art, would this be worth your money?
How much would you pay, compared to other peoples

I think your art is beautiful. Whether to start taking commissions is your choice, and the pricing is based on the quality of your art.
I’m also a Digital artist, what’s your insta so I can follow you.

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that is really lovely thank you! My insta is @episode.florence

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just followed. I’m gem_arts.design

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you’re art is stunning :sparkles:

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Thank you so much :relaxed:

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