NEW CREATOR (I could use some tips and tricks for writing)

Hi Episode Community! I’m working on writing my first Episode story. I was just wondering if any helpful writers out there could give me some advise, tips, or any tricks regarding codes, directing, story, etc. Thank you for any support given.


In terms of directing, amazing resources to check out:

The Episode Guides provided by Episode themselves in the Writer’s Portal are also very helpful.

In addition, if you have a directing question or error, you can ask here:

Or make a thread in Creator’s Corner: Directing Helps & tips asking a question ^^

P.S here’s my advice on how I got better:

Practice makes perfect!

:heart: :black_heart:


thank you. I appreciate it!

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No problem :blob_sun:

If you need any help you can dm me on Instagram @Gabi.episode

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