"List" of Helpful Threads

A lot of people who are new and don't really know what to do or where to go. So I thought I'd make a "list" of helpful goto threads. If you guys know any other threads go ahead and reply and I'll add them on

Also here is a thread with of list of Script Templates :point_down::point_down::point_down:

For Some Writing Tips check @ShanniiWrites Thread about her site :point_down::point_down::point_down:

For more help check out @JemU776 Directing Guide for How Toā€™s :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Check out @fcukforcookies Thread about Tips & Tricks for making your story better :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Huge thanks to Dara for making the list of Animations from Ink to Limelight :point_down::point_down::point_down:


In case youā€™re looking for drives to find backgrounds & overlays @Apes was kind enough to make a list that links peoples Instagram (where youā€™ll find the link to their drives)




Following Threads are the Most Used/ Common :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Multiple Customization Ink and Limelight

Only Hair and lip Customization Ink and Limelight

Family Customization Ink and Limelight

Simple Dressing Game(Ink & Limelight) from Episode Life

Understanding Script Symbols/Commands and there use

How to Spot Direct Speech Bubble

How to add an Animation to a character

How to Rear Animations

How to Stage Directions

A guide to Using and Animating Overlays

How to use Easing Functions

Basic Guide to Tappable Overlays

How to Transitions

How to Pause a Scene

Spot Direction (Moving Characters around)

How to Spot walking (Walking with Spot Direction)

How to Simple Choices

Previous and Next Arrows for choices(Paginate)

How to Color code and lock a choice ā€œbubbleā€

How to Typed in Choices

Complete List of Props and how to use them

How to Move characters/Overlays to layers

How to add Readers Message (aka the bubble that pops up on the top of the screen)

Taraā€™s If/Else/Gains/Labels/Goto/ and The Point System

How to Remembering Past Choices (if/elif/else)

How to Nested Choices

How to The Point System

How to Remembering who the MC talked to

How to Uploading your own Cover/Background/Overlay

How to Looping your own Background

Looping a 3 zone Background with Speeds

How to Zoom directing The Art of Zoom made easy

How to Choosing A Love Interest

How to Remembering what Love Interest was chosen

Following Threads for how to make your episode a little more "creative" :point_down::point_down::point_down:

How to Zoom from Feet to Head (Full Body)

Closet Dress Up Menu
Meaning outfits are categorized all the outfits that have dresses would go in a ā€œdressā€ choice etc.

Creating your Own Outfit Game Template
Meaning you can choose from 3 tops, 3 bottoms, and 3 shoes to create your very own outfit.

How to Weather Effects

How to add weather effects with Overlay

Alternative To Rain Effectā€™s Layering

How to use Filters

A Simple Guide to using Sound Effects and Music

How to Phone Text Message

A Guide to Creating Text from Overlays

How to Fade Characters

How To Do a Shadow on your Character

How to Mirror Reflection

How to make the camera shake

How to have character(s) appear in a TV

How to Place a character in a Bath

How to Hug and Kiss Ink and Limelight

How to Place a Character Behind a Desk

How to Get The End of an Animation

How to Drive into/Drive off the scene with characters inside

Looping a Rotating Overlay

Make Characters Dance LIMELIGHT

Tappable Overlay On Mannequin Template

Following threads are things you should be aware of when it comes to using backgrounds from other sites or Episode Assets :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Rule around using Episode Art Assets and Community Edits

How to use Google for searching free to use pictures

Message to everyone about Using Other Sites

Be careful of using Other Peoples Backgrounds

Backgrounds Doā€™s and Dontā€™s

Where to get backgrounds and Overlays

In case you skipped the how toā€™s for uploading your pictures

How to Uploading your own Cover/Background/Overlay

How to Looping your own Background


Yes, I agree. That is why I made itā€¦so if you come across any beginners feel free to show them this

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bless ur soul sista

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Amazing :pleading_face::heartpulse:
Now I donā€™t need to search all over the forums to find these, thank you.:kissing_closed_eyes:




This thread is so helpful.
I wished this was here when I first started out.
anywaysss bookmarks half of this lol

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Seriously, they need to pin this thread, it contains so many helpful directing threads as well as threads that bring awareness to using images from online :smile: :revolving_hearts:

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Thanks for mentioning me! Iā€™m glad you thought it was worthy of promoting :smiley:

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hehehe well if you didnt think it was worthy or that it was going to be helpful then you wouldnt have made the threadā€¦so of course i was going to it helpful as shheeeeeesshhhh :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hereā€™s some more helpful threads:

  1. Looping a rotating overlay
  2. How To: Shadows
  3. Alternative to RAIN effect's layering
  4. Looping a 3-zone Background with Speeds
  5. More coming soonā€¦I thinkā€¦ :heart:

Bump :nerd_face::orange_heart:


Bump :wink:

@JemU776 just tell me when and what to bump and iā€™ll do it for you when you cant lol

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Bump :sunglasses:

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Thank you lovely

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