Offering R4R but not holding up their end of the bargin?

Do we have a list, is it possible to do a list? I was recently approached to do a R4R on my recent story All Alone, I held up my end of the bargain but the other person who approached me did not. It’d be nice to have a list to serve as a warning, there is nothing more frustrating than someone who tricks you into doing this, and they bail.


Maybe remind them?

I’ll admit, I’ve forgotten about them before. The people approched me, reminded me of it, and I did it.

I had a similar experience: I was doing a review for review and I spent quite a lot of time giving them a review, but the other person did not reply after I sent it… :rage: It was really annoying as I had spent my time to help someone and in return, I didn’t get what was promised.

I did send her several messages; they have ignored all of them, although I know she has posted on the site after the first message.

Well then, that’s dumb.

Maybe wait for them to hold up their end before posting anything about their story. Or do what I did, photoshop a picture so that it looks like you read it (I only did it as an experiment, the story I used it on had 20+ episodes, and I used one of a 5-episode completed story.)


I unfortunately gave her a suggestion already on her story, what’s sad is I liked her story, and probably would’ve finished it, if she had held up her end of the bargain, now I won’t on principal.

Then you keep a track on here for those who have ghosted so others know. Make a r4r thread if you don’t have one and if you do then keep track.

Something like:

@/whoever: Completed r4r
@/whoever: Has not completed and is not responding

I mean I hope that’s safe to do. It’s not right to have someone ghost you after you’ve read.

I’ve been ghosted before so I know right now ur pretty pissed.

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I am also wondering if it’s allowed. I mean it would make sense, there is any entire thread dedicated to r4r, it would be nice to be warned when people don’t follow through.

You’re not attacking anyone or bullying anyone you’re just writing who’s kept up their end of the r4r. But, I would ask a forum mod just to be sure or you can PM her/him if you want it private.


I, too, have accidentally forgotten about r4r’s before, specifically if I opened a thread for it and had many people asking for one. A gentle reminder within a day or so is appropriate, because I’ve done the same to see if they followed through. If they continue to ignore, then I’d make a note of who it was and what their story was in case they approach you again.
I’ve also done a review thread, included a password to make sure they read my rules, and was not even given the courtesy of a ‘like’ after I spent over an hour reading, and typing up a nice, thorough review for their story.
It’s very frustrating and disheartening when you spend your passes and time. But I’m happy to say that all the people who DO respond, read back, acknowledge your reviews, whatever it may be, far outweigh the couple ghosters.


I agree, I typically require my story to be read first, especially if they approach me, I rarely approach anyone on a r4r, I just try to promote my story, this time I did the opposite because I did the story in INK and wanted it to gain popularity unlike my other INK stories, (I do ok with Limelight). I guess I will stick with my original plan, of requiring them to read first.

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Moved to Episode Fan Community since Community is for discussion of specific stories. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :wink:

Thank you for moving it to the appropriate topic, I sat for a while before writing it, trying to figure out what would be the best topic to put it under.

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You’re welcome! :smiley: