Perceived Racism On Episode (An open thread)

I personally feel as if tis WAS intentional. The fact that he made them different shades of brown. AND gave them afros. He knew what he was doing and I hope he gets deleted off the app.


Exactly. Some white people (not all, most at least try to understand racism) believe that “it’s no big deal” or “they didn’t mean it like that”. As a POC myself, I never understood that.

It’s a big deal to me.

  • rude
  • a bit sexist
  • incredibly racist, even though it wasn’t intentional.

BTW, even if I murdered someone on accident, he/she is still dead. Just because you do it on accident, doesn’t mean you didn’t do it.


Yasss. The fact that he gave them afros really was the last straw,
Afros and other natural styles put a lot of POC in their most natural element, which scientifcally is in Africa.

It’s like he wanted to prove some kind of point that African people are alien to the rest of the human race - by literally making them alien!


Preach it!


Yep, with these “explanations” (if we can call them that), it’s definitely inexcusable. Seriously? Dark skin because they’re “dirty”. Yiiiikkkkeeeeeess. That’s extremely messed up.


And also the title itself “the darkest night” sounds slightly racist to me as well. Though it may be referring to the physical light, it can be signalizing to the “zombies” themselves


I agree like wtf


@Shani_Theo I know I was being sarcastic because they seem old enough to come up with BS theories, then they are old enough to know that they are disrespecting POC with sorry excuses.

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If I was the author after realizing how wrong I was, I’d simply write a big sorry and completely change the story (if not remove it out of respect for POC.)


I second that.

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Me too

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A few days ago, I saw a thread for someone wanting a POC to review their work. I thought it was a tiny bit racist at the time. Now I realize, it wasn’t. It was the exact opposite. He/She wanted to make sure he/she didn’t write a distaster like this.

I feel like authors who don’t understand diversity should really get a POC to review their work. I’d be happy to do it so stories like these don’t end up existing.


Like the fact that he’s essentially like “hey, sorry some of you are offended but I didn’t mean to offend anyone” doesn’t excuse anything?? People ARE offended. So respect their feelings and remove the story or change it so it no longer offends people. Just because someone doesn’t intend to hurt someone, doesn’t invalidate their feelings if they are hurt.


On a side note, your story was diverse and that was the reason I liked it.
The gay character, Sam, had a big personality and wasn’t just there to fill a quota.


Oh my goodness, thank you for this side note! Lol I needed this, as I’m getting a lil’ fired up right now. :laughing:


Make a thread! I would be happy to help! :raised_hand:t5:

Lol and just since you mentioned it, has anyone hear read stories with the gay best friend and felt slightly uncomfortable? Sry this is a whole different topic but gay people being used as comedic relief makes me rly upset


No problem!

“Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.
We gotta love each other and make better stories so this trash does not get published anymore.


That’s a brilliant idea, I feel like a lot of people refrain from writing people that come from different backgrounds because they don’t know how and they don’t want to be offensive, you should make a thread, I would bump that shit everyday.


Exactly, they have this Stereotype about gay people and make some of them look really bad. :expressionless: