Perceived Racism On Episode (An open thread)

Sometimes I see that in some stories.
Like, I want to see the gay character go on a date, find true love - not just laugh at the MCs jokes.
@Unchartedraider’s characters made me laugh but I also felt like they were actually someone , especially since (I think) it was made by a member of another minority (POC).


So in some stories (won’t mention titles) I’ve seen a lot of examples of female’s who have gay boys as best friends. The boy is constantly borrowing lipstick and calling everyone “sweetie” and you can tell by what they do that it’s obviously a joke

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I think that’s a good point that POC and LGBT+ individuals (you’re right, I’m both!) have an easier time making characters more real and relatable because they live those lives themselves.


Some stories, they think:
“Oh, since they like boys, let’s give them the personality of a freakin 13-year-old girl!”

That is not the case. Gay people may not be the most masculine people in the world - but they still have freakin character!


I know! Another story by @Oumniaa called Girlhood talks about the MC’s struggles of understanding their own gender. You guys should check it out!


And everyone, I am not trying to say that white people shouldn’t make diverse stories.
There need to be more diverse stories.

I’m saying that people have two options:
a) do your freaking research. Read a couple YA novels about a black teen, ask POC that you know (in a way that doesn’t make them feel targeted.), “shadow” people.
b) make a thread on here asking POC or (LGBTQ+) to review the book before publishing.


Should we create a thread where you can ask for advice about adding diversity to your story or properly representing other cultures? I feel like that would be really useful and would definetly help with making stories more diverse.


Oh yeah, that’s called “sensitivity reading” and it’s a legitimate thing in the literary world when a non-marginalised author includes marginalised characters in their books. Paid authors are even supposed to pay their sensitivity readers for their time and effort.
It’s an important role that stops idiots like this guy from doing crap like this, (or making gay characters all talk like valley girls, or giving their Asian characters buck teeth…)


Yeah, we should.

Also, the fifth screenshot (in the original post) made me very upset.
It looked like a line of slaves to me - and I feel like Fredrick Douglas and others worked to hard for an ignorant idiot to be reminding them of it while sitting on their bed.

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I’ll create one and link it here :))


Ik. The unhappiness in their faces and their dirty clothes. Nobody can tell me that it wasn’t intentional.

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He’ll find a way after looking through his big book of BS Excuses: Volume 1


Exactly, this man needs to exit stage left.

Judging the contents of these pictures, I feel like the author knew exactly what they were doing when narrating this story the way they did. Funny thing is, people will try to justify this, or come up with excuses to excuse this author’s behavior. I feel like Episode condoms alot of racism at times. They wait until the last minute to speak up, and address certain issues. Any form of racial discrimination, should be addressed immediately. Yes I’m hurt because we are often times racially discrimated against and people have this “passive behavior,” as if we are suppose to tolerate, and accept racism. Often times we are even “told to get over it” if we raise awareness on any racial discrimination issue we have faced. No one should be bullying, or racially discriminating against someone who has a different skintone. What disturbs me is that there are in fact, others who are in racist yet, people still support their stories on episode. What disturbs me futhermore, are the various people who both accept, and condone this type of behavior, and those who tell us how we should act, or feel. This is wrong on so many levels. I think more people should be more prone to raising awareness on racism. That includes it’s affect it has on others including people of color, or how it needs to be addressed. There is no reason as to why someone who possesses any type of racist behavior on episode, should be allowed to given any type of platform where they are able to self publish a story, and receive several story reads when what they’re promoting, goes against the communities guidelines. If Episode is truly about diversity, they should not be featuring any author’s on their website whose stories promote foolishness, and “racism.”


Like in my story (I’m not promoting, if anyone is interested PM me), I included a character with Colombian-American parents; she’s not unnecessarily sassy, but she is very self-assured. I’m just wondering if any of you would perceive this as racist. (I’m a POC, but know nothing about that culture.)

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Exactly. Episode is super shady. There was this one story published that had two black “thugs” in it (It was something about a gang teacher).

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It was hella intentional amd ppl got mad (obviously) tben tbe author wants to go “oh well its not rasicst cuz i said its not” but then u can tell its a BS excuse cuz of tht “haters gonna hate” the story needs to b taken down Not only did u use brown/black skin for the “zombies” u have them all with natrual hair too(correct me if im wrong) tht is fvcked up and makes me sick to see ppl advocacte tht let tht be the other way around and ppl would be mad at “us” he knew wat he was doing and got mad cuz ppl clled him out on it. I hope this ends.


I don’t think so. There would be a difference is portrayed as “the Latina with a nasty attitude”, but if she just knows who she is and she is who she is unapologetically. I wouldn’t find that offensive