Perceived Racism On Episode (An open thread)

Yes, I especially hate when people who are speaking up are called “snowflakes” and we “get offended by every little thing”.
This thread is not about one slightly offensive character, it’s about an entire story made by an ignorant and arrogant author (boi, no one cares enough to be a “hater”)


Exactly. Not only are you making us ZOMBIES. But then on top of it, you have the protagonist who AREN’T POC wearing styles native to Africa, such as braids.


Her attitude isn’t necessarily nasty - just unapologetic and sure of herself. She makes bad choices sometimes - but nothing that would let others perceive her as nasty.

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Reported! How dare he? Not within our community


Yes. Why does every gang have a black or Latina leader?
There are white gangs, fishes.


I’m glad that everyone is taking a stand because this is NOT okay.
This shouldn’t be allowed in a community that has ALL types of cultural backgrounds, sexual orientation and religious beliefs


Yes! More people need to be aware.
Although I feel like Episode will probably just say:
“He didn’t put ‘Blacks are the worst’, so it’s not racist”


Honestly, it’s SUCH a stereotype. All POC are violent. Like… come on now. How can episode even COSIGN this?


It’s sad because as a MULTI MILLION dollar company, you think Episode would have some “sensitivity readers” to make sure that this wouldn’t happen

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The forums just gave me a notification saying:
"Let others join the conversation
This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 20% of the replies here.

Are you sure you’re providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too?

Like its important as i don’t know what!


I created a thread where people can ask questions about diversity.
Here’s the link is case you wanted to track it and give advice on it :slight_smile:

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Like I’m Muslim and a POC, and nobody gets us right.
It’s always “the religion is too strict, let’s have the Muslim MC ‘break free’”!
The only story that really gets us right is Wentworth (that I’ve read, anyway.)


I mean, if you’re willing to speak up when nobody else will then…


I think as long as she’s a fully fleshed out person there’s nothing inherently racist about making a latin woman sassy or self assured, I feel like that goes for any person of color in any story. I’m not Colombian by the way, but I am a person of Latin decent.


Thanks for the tip.
I don’t want a whole thread made up about me lol.

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Like you can have beige skin and still be a POC!


yEs! i’ve actually been writing a story where the main character is Latina and i’ve included Afro-textured as a hair type and i have some darker skin tones, but i had to do quite a bit of research to learn about the large backgrounds Latinas can have.
It would have been so much easier if they was some sort of public resource for informing writers.


I never read a story like that but… I can DEFINETELY see that happening.
But that’s I think that’s because of 1) stereotypes and 2) colorism


That is a great idea.
Some white or straight people try their best (not the author of this idiotic piece of poop) but they just don’t have the resources.

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What’s the story name? I would love to read it.