POLL: Style Confusion

I have become very conflicted lately when it comes to my story.

I’ve started my story in Limelight.
And I’ve been reading a lot of Ink stories and still loving Ink.

I’m unsure if I should only write my story in Limelight, Ink or release it in both

What should I write my story in

  • Write in Ink
  • Write in Limelight
  • Write in Both

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Do whatever feels best for you though!


I feel like writing in both but at the same time I feel like it will be a big thing updating both stories at the same time

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Yeah but if it’s fun for you then go for it!

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I personally like ink better but whatever you feel more comfortable with


I rather ink but I think oh should do whatever you think is best and feel happy with don’t let others convince you into doing something you don’t feel comfortable doing


Thank you all for your input

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To be honest, I don’t think it will be that hard to write both, depending on how good you are at coding.

Once you’ve written it in one, you can easily transfer it to the other - adjusting little things such as the animations.

However keeping them both similar (as they have different animations and outfits) can make you feel quite limited.

Personally, I’d read and write in both. Both styles have their pros and cons - for example, INK’s animations and LL’s variety/diversity.

At the end of the day, I’d recommend doing the style you prefer, rather than throwing yourself in the deep end. You’ve started in LL, if you’re liking how it’s turning out, continue. If you’re willing to put the work in, go for both.


I feel like there are a lot more options with Limelight and if you can do it you should go for it. I love Limelight now but it’s SUPER glitchy on my computer. :pensive:

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If I did both, do you think I could name them differently or should they have the same name?

If its themsame plot with different styles do same name with (ink) or (ll) next to it

Thanks everyone I will be doing both I’ll be writing then directing so it makes it easier for me to update together.

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@Sydney_H this can be closed.

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Closed by OP request. :slightly_smiling_face: