Promoting My First Story —— La Mer

Hey episodians! I’m Cass and I recently uploaded my first ever episode story called:

Name : La Mer
Author: Cass_writes_
Style: Limelight (Spotlight)
Genre: Fantasy/Romance (ft. mermaids, sirens, selkies, nymphs etc)
Releases: 3 episodes out —with more to come

You play as a male mc. There is full customization (although you shouldn’t). Uh play as a gay teen with two love interests :heart:.


I’ll check it out :heart:

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Moved to Promote Your Story since Community is for discussion of specific stories. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about where to correctly create topics, and feel to PM me if there are any questions. :wink:

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Would you like r4r

My story The Star Necklace

It has two versions ink and limelight

Description: you are the most rich girl in your country in addition you’re famous but what happens when the Star Necklace uncovers your true identity

Tell me if you are interested in r4r so I will add you to my r4r list thread

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So I have a few things to say about your story. It’s well directed so kudos to you :slight_smile although I’d focus more on the diologue to make it run smoothly :blush:

Are you interested in r4r?? :))

Yeah sure!!

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Cool :))
Story - Ghost of Mona
Description - Jenny thought that she was a normal girl but one night she found out that she could…
Chapters - 6
Status - ongoing
Style - Ink
Genre - Mystery
Link -

I can do. R4r with you.

My story Name: Hearts desire

Author: misslibra3582

Genre: romance

CC: yes

Chapters: 3 (more to come.)

Description:Follow your hearts desire sound easy. But when Cassie and Jackson

find themselves attracted to each other and danger rears its head will they still be able to follow their hearts

Story link:

Love paradise… the place where you and 10 other contestants have come to find their true love. This summer, our contestants are ready for love, but the question is, are you? CC

So i read your story :slight_smile:

I like the idea of it although you can work a bit more on the directing to make the transitions run smoother. But…

She’s really hot so I’m still rooting for you :wink:

I read ur story and I liked the little back story at the beginning with the murder scene. It was a good idea to put that in. For a next step, I’d probably add more dialogue and lines in general to make the chapters longer.

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Aww, thankyou so much!

Since this is my first ever story I have been learning new things and trying to make it work and I will keep making it better :slight_smile:

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Good luck!! We’ll both need it. This is my first story too!! :slight_smile: