Promoting my **Mature** story! If you're into that, please check it out! Feel free to promote yours too! ~

I’m really curious and would like to know! If you feel uncomfortable stating it publicly, could u DM me?

It’s no big deal really. Just a discussion from a thread awhile aback that a theory I had was most writers here are in their late teens and early 20s.

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Oh LOL I thought it was gonna be something bad for some reason :weary:

Hello everyone, Hope all are doing well! Here is my story info if you are interested. Would appreciate it strongly if anyone would like to given it a read. Thank You!

EDITED: (NEW COVER IS NOW UPDATED IN THE APP, what you see is the old one!)
persuade by you cover

  • Title: Persuade By You
  • Genre: Romance (but has a mix of drama & mystery)
  • Episodes: 5 & ongoing
  • Story’s Description: As a lost soul, Giada Elmourne unintentionally intervenes with Brody’s classic expectations. Little do they know, what right and wrong the untold brought to unravel. *LL *CC
  • Link: