Rotating an Alarm Clock

Hello! I’m trying to make an alarm clock rotate like back and forth. Like this:
But, I’m not sure how to do it.

clock gif

This is the overlay I’m using:

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@Dara.Amarie @JemU776

Dara’s got her guide on it here:

(scroll down about 2/3 of the way)

Basically, I’d rotate it around anchor point 0 0.5, 30 degrees and then -30 degrees. You may have to play with the numbers.

&overlay CLOCK rotates 30 anchor point 0 0.5 in 1 THEN overlay CLOCK rotates -60 anchor point 0 0.5 in 1

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Ok, Thank you!! :slight_smile:

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Ok. I got it to work. Thank you again! :slight_smile:

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Glad to hear it! :grin: :+1:

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