Script for opening book overlay!

I need an animating script where you can see the book cover open up! Please, someone, type me in the script :wink:

I suppose that depends on where your overlay is on the screen such as if your overlay was taking up the whole screen then you would simply change the first number in the scales code to 0. Example say your overlay is set into the scene like this:

&overlay BOOKCOVER create
&overlay BOOKCOVER opacity 1 in 0
&overlay BOOKCOVER shifts to 0 0 in zone 1
&overlay BOOKCOVER scales to 1.000 1.000
&overlay BOOKCOVER to layer 3

The scales is 1.000 1.000. So then when you want to animate it to open up, you would change the first 1.000 to a 0 and then time it, like this:
@overlay BOOKCOVER scales to 0 1.000 in 5

#notice that the 2nd number is still the same as the first time you coded its scales but the first one is 0.
#The 5 at the end is representing time, if you didnā€™t know, so if itā€™s too slow you can speed it up by doing a number less than 5 or slow it down by doing a number higher than 5.

If the overlay doesnā€™t take up the whole screen/camera view then I would suggest maybe trying something like just adding a negative symbol next to the first coordinate when you go to animate it. Ex:
Say the overlay starts in the scene at scales 0.442 0.442 then to animate it later,
@overlay BOOKCOVER scales to -0.442 0.442 in 5

#notice all I did was add a negative symbol in front of the first number.
#granted this only flips the overlay/page but still gives the turning page effect.

Hereā€™s a full example of what it would look like if I were to code a scene starting with showing a cover and then opening it up like a type of book effect:

&zoom reset

&overlay BOOKCOVER create
&overlay BOOKCOVER opacity 1 in 0
&overlay BOOKCOVER shifts to 0 0 in zone 1
&overlay BOOKCOVER scales to 1.000 1.000
&overlay BOOKCOVER to layer 1

@transition fade in black in 3
#maybe even add a @pause for 2 here, so readers can observe the cover a little longer and then animate it:

@overlay BOOKCOVER scales to -1.000 1.000 in 5

^^With the animation code, you can also use & instead of @ if you wanted a dialogue to be on the scene narrating while the cover opens or in general if you wanted something to happen at the same time that the book is opening then use &.

hope that was somewhat helpful :woman_shrugging:t3: Happy Writing! :sunflower:


Itā€™s amazing and really wonderful trick! thank u for sharing it. But can I ask u how u made the things in your reply look colourful? I have been searching for topics thatā€™ll tell about how to make our replies in the forums look colourful but canā€™t find them.

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Aww thank you so much!

You can learn how to here in the links:

Basically you do something like

 [color=purple] text here in between [/color]

And itā€™ll look like this:
text here in between

Thereā€™s many other colors to choose from on that link too, thatā€™s just a common color name.

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Ohh Thank you very very much! I saw this thread when I was new on the forums but couldnā€™t find it again. It helped a lot thanks. :blob_hearts: :blob_hearts: :blob_sun: :blob_sun:

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I quite donā€™t understand. This is my first time trying to do this. Can you make the script again but for the background:

And make the book take up all of the space in the middle section (on the boyā€™s face, maybe)

Here is the overlay:


this will not work in my opinion since your overlay of book cover is not compatible for above mentioned coding with the open book overlay.

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Okay I donā€™t have to use my overlay. It was just an option.

I apologize, I misunderstood and thought you meant something else. :clown_face:

For something like that, you could spot the 2 overlays to be in the same place, centered, and around the same size and have the open book overlay hidden while the book cover is visible and then just fade the book cover overlay out while the open book overlay appears. The coding to animate it would look something like:
@overlay BOOKOPEN opacity 1 in 1 and overlay BOOKCOVER opacity 0 in 1

Your images are jpeg so I canā€™t spot and scale them for you but thatā€™s also something I feel you should learn how to do if youā€™re that new at this :slightly_smiling_face:

To spot direct your overlays into the scene:
First get the overlay into the scene. You can do this by using these codes first:

&overlay OVERLAYNAME create
&overlay OVERLAYNAME opacity 1 in 0

(Replace OVERLAYNAME with the name of your overlay and make sure itā€™s all capitalized.)

Then use the spot directing tool to get it in the place you want it.

If you donā€™t know how to do this:

Step 1. Click Show Helpers
Step 2. Click Spot Directing
Step 3. Click Change overlay
Step 4. Youā€™re going to then be using this Switch tool: Move and click it again to get Switch tool: Scale. Move and scale it to however you want it.
Step 5. Layer your overlay by using the boxes circled in orange. Bring to Front will bring the overlay in front of everything, Forward Layer +1, will make the overlay +1 higher than it already was on and you can click that as many times as you need, Backward Layer -1 , will subtract the overlay layer number by 1. You can click that as many times as you need. Send to Back , will send the overlay behind everything. You also donā€™t have to use these to layer it, if you already know what layer number you want your overlay to be at.
Step 6. Press the Copy button

Paste it into your script by either using mouse right-click then paste OR hold down your ctrl key and then press the letter V key (on your keyboard.) Change the @ symbols into & .

So it should look something like this now:

&overlay OVERLAYNAME create
&overlay OVERLAYNAME opacity 1 in 0
&overlay OVERLAYNAME shifts to ### ### in zone #
&overlay OVERLAYNAME scales to ### ###
&overlay OVERLAYNAME moves to layer #

Now you have the overlay set into your scene and do the same for the next overlay.

The script later with the animation coding would look something like:

&zoom reset

&overlay BOOKCOVER create
&overlay BOOKCOVER opacity 1 in 0
&overlay BOOKCOVER shifts to -12 -14 in zone 1
&overlay BOOKCOVER scales to 1.054 1.054
&overlay BOOKCOVER moves to layer 1

&overlay BOOKOPEN create
&overlay BOOKOPEN opacity 0 in 0
&overlay BOOKOPEN shifts to -132 -262 in zone 1
&overlay BOOKOPEN scales to 1.918 1.918
&overlay BOOKOPEN moves to layer 2

@transition fade in black in 3

@overlay BOOKOPEN opacity 1 in 1 and overlay BOOKCOVER opacity 0 in 1

I highly suggest checking out Daraā€™s website for more on overlays:


wow you always make such effort to explain things in the deepest detail!:grin:


Thank you. Iā€™ll try it out :slight_smile: I know how to spot overlays and etc. I just confused about how to do the open overlay. But thanks!

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if you really want to open the overlay you will need that the open book fits the coverā€¦ the angle and perspective to use that, what was in the first post sugestion.

Or you can use some gif of opening book to get the effect


Do you know where I can get the open book fits the cover ones?
I do want to try gifs but thatā€™s also my first time :sob:

To make it 100% fit you will need to be lookig on the book directly from above as you have the cover so the pages are clear rectangle.

Try to simple google out ā€œ open book png ā€œ
And go to the pictures I am sure you will find one.

Also to make it look realistic it would be better the book overlay will be open on first page and not in the middle.

In my opinion you will need 3 overlays to make it most realistic

  1. closed cover
  2. open cover ( only the left side of the open book)
  3. open book or just the right side of the open book

the page size ratio of the open pages and cover need to be the same this can be adjusted in photoshop

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and to the gifsā€¦ to open a book you do not need code for looping one which is really tricky and probably not suitable if you are not advanced coder. gimme second I will send you tutorial for non looping gif I just have to find itā€¦

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Thank you! I would say Iā€™m a intermediate/advance director. But if I can do the first option, then I would not use the gifs! Thank you so much. I will type here if I need help again.

Oh ok, yeah as Farah was saying, if you want to do it with overlays it would be basically how a flip book works, where you alter the look of the image a couple times and like she said, you could basically use just 3 overlays to pull it off. And you would use the same concept of that coding:

So it would look something like this:
Starting out with the book cover opacity at 1 and then to animate the effect:

@overlay BOOKHALFOPEN opacity 1 in 1 and overlay BOOKCOVER opacity 0 in 1 then BOOKOPEN opacity 1 in 0 and BOOKHALFOPEN opacity 0 in 1

Itā€™s just a series of turning the opacity on for a new overlay while turning off the previous overlay.
So you likely need to find overlays of a book that is closed, half open and then opened to make that flip book effect where it looks like the book is opening. Which you could probably find a book opening gif and just use 3 images from that gif to make this effect. Or have someone from an artshop create it for you. I personally do this a lot in my story, I donā€™t use gifs but I use altered images I made to make it appear like itā€™s animated when really Iā€™m just flashing images that are slightly altered in movement such as a butterfly, have the wings closed, partially opened and then wings spread open and when you do that type of coding with the opacities, it will appear like itā€™s flapping itā€™s wings. But youā€™ll have to play around with the timing of opacities because sometimes I donā€™t let one fade out while the other fades in, I just immediately put the opacity on and off with a slight tiny pause in between depending on the images.

If youā€™re trying to cover the whole screen with a book cover that opens and pages turn then I would just use overlays of the cover and book pages that are the size of an entire zone (640x1136) and just layer them on top of each other and use the coding I suggested in the beginning about the scales and it will flip open like a book and turn pages like one. But having them sized like that will only make it so that they can see the ā€œrightā€ side pages. It just really depends on what exactly youā€™re trying to do/show. But ultimately those are all the ways I can think of on how to code it to animate a book opening type of effect. Which are either changing the scales and timing it or changing the opacity of overlays. If itā€™s a flip book effect, meaning overlays are images of time frames captured of a book closed to opening then youā€™d use the opacity coding, if itā€™s pages, like a flat piece of paper turning then you could use the scales code to animate it.

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Lol in other words I overwhelm the crap out of people :joy:ā€¦ :sob:. I canā€™t summarize and get right to the point. :unamused: Iā€™m sure you and others could say what Iā€™m saying in 3 simple sentences. Lol and Iā€™m over here making their eyes dry and crusting lol I need a middle messenger to rephrase for me. lol

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No, I actually need as many specific details as I can :wink:

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